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dc.contributor.advisorLeon Acurio, Joffre Vicente
dc.contributor.authorPerez Saona, Miguel Angel
dc.descriptionThis project is based on the Feasibility Study for the development of a web system of inventories of income and expenses to the vehicle retention center in the Babahoyo Municipal Transit agency, the objective of the investigation was to know the problems that in one way or another They are affecting the development of the company. The patios or Vehicle Retention Centers "CRV" are sites that have adequate physical space for the temporary permanence of vehicles, which, due to circumstances provided in the Organic Law of Land Transportation, Traffic and Road Safety, must remain under retention and custody of the State. This makes it necessary to establish a rapid process that enforces what is stipulated by law and, at the same time, allows the offenders (owners of retained vehicles) to be able to carry out the pertinent procedures so that their vehicle is returned to them. The Vehicle Retention Center does not have a system that allows them to keep track of their inventories on the income and expenses they handle. The process to generate the due reports is usually very tedious for the company because the information is saved using an office tool (Microsoft Excel) and it does not comply with the speed to generate the due reports, generating disagreement due to delays in presenting said information . Due to these problems, it was decided to propose a system that gives them the facility to obtain a significant optimization in their processes and improvement of resources, making use of new technologies for better performance. The system aims to give users speed and agility in the processes they carry out, quick availability of information whether they are weekly, monthly, or annual reports. For the development of the project, the methodology of incremental iterative development was used, in conjunction with the object-oriented approach, using the Java programming language. The architecture used was "Controller View Model" in conjunction with J2EE technology, using the Java Server Faces 2 and Primefaces web application framework. The latter controlling a large part of the behavior of the system, as well as its graphical interface. Finally, it should be noted that the organization in question gave all its support to the development of the plan, and was continuously available to obtain information and clarify doubts.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis project is based on the Feasibility Study for the development of a web system of inventories of income and expenses to the vehicle retention center in the Babahoyo Municipal Transit agency, the objective of the investigation was to know the problems that in one way or another They are affecting the development of the company. The patios or Vehicle Retention Centers "CRV" are sites that have adequate physical space for the temporary permanence of vehicles, which, due to circumstances provided in the Organic Law of Land Transportation, Traffic and Road Safety, must remain under retention and custody of the State. This makes it necessary to establish a rapid process that enforces what is stipulated by law and, at the same time, allows the offenders (owners of retained vehicles) to be able to carry out the pertinent procedures so that their vehicle is returned to them. The Vehicle Retention Center does not have a system that allows them to keep track of their inventories on the income and expenses they handle. The process to generate the due reports is usually very tedious for the company because the information is saved using an office tool (Microsoft Excel) and it does not comply with the speed to generate the due reports, generating disagreement due to delays in presenting said information . Due to these problems, it was decided to propose a system that gives them the facility to obtain a significant optimization in their processes and improvement of resources, making use of new technologies for better performance. The system aims to give users speed and agility in the processes they carry out, quick availability of information whether they are weekly, monthly, or annual reports. For the development of the project, the methodology of incremental iterative development was used, in conjunction with the object-oriented approach, using the Java programming language. The architecture used was "Controller View Model" in conjunction with J2EE technology, using the Java Server Faces 2 and Primefaces web application framework. The latter controlling a large part of the behavior of the system, as well as its graphical interface. Finally, it should be noted that the organization in question gave all its support to the development of the plan, and was continuously available to obtain information and clarify doubts.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste proyecto se basa en el Estudio de factibilidad para el desarrollo de un sistema web de inventarios de ingresos y egresos al centro de retención vehicular en la agencia de Tránsito municipal de Babahoyo el objetivo de la investigación fue conocer lo problemas que de una u otra manera están afectando al desarrollo de la empresa. Los patios o Centros de Retención Vehicular “CRV” son sitios que cuentan con el espacio físico adecuado para la permanencia temporal de vehículos, que, por circunstancias previstas en la Ley Orgánica de Transporte Terrestre, Tránsito y Seguridad Vial, deben permanecer bajo retención y custodia del Estado. Esto hace necesario establecer un proceso rápido que haga cumplir lo que estipula la ley y, que a la vez permita a los contraventores (propietarios de vehículos retenidos) poder hacer los trámites pertinentes para que les sea devuelto su vehículo. El Centro de Retención Vehicular no cuenta con un sistema que le permita llevar el control de sus inventarios sobre los ingresos y egresos que manejan. El proceso para generar los debidos reportes suele ser muy tedioso para la empresa debido a que la información es guardada mediante una herramienta ofimática (Microsoft Excel) y esta no cumple con la rapidez para generar los debidos reportes, generando inconformidad por retrasos para presentar dicha información. Debido a estos problemas se decidió plantear un sistema que les dé la facilidad de obtener una optimización significativa en sus procesos y mejora de recursos, haciendo uso de las nuevas tecnologías para un mejor desempeño. El sistema pretende dar a los usuarios rapidez y agilidad en los procesos que realiza, disponibilidad rápida de información ya sean reportes semanales, mensuales, o anuales. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, fue utilizada la metodología de desarrollo iterativo incremental, en conjunto con el enfoque de orientación a objetos, utilizando el lenguaje de programación Java. La arquitectura utilizada fue “Modelo Vista Controlador” en conjunto con la tecnología J2EE, utilizando el framework de aplicaciones web Java Server Faces 2 y Primefaces. Estos últimos controlando gran parte del comportamiento del sistema, como también su interfaz gráfica. Para finalizar, cabe resaltar que la organización en cuestión prestó todo su apoyo al desarrollo del plan, y estuvo continuamente disponible para la obtención de información y la aclaración de dudas.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEstudio de factibilidad para el desarrollo de un sistema web de inventarios de ingresos y egresos al centro de retención vehicular en la Agencia de Tránsito Municipal de Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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