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dc.contributor.advisorCaicedo Monserrate, Diana Lorena
dc.contributor.authorBricio Yela, Fausto Celedonio
dc.descriptionThis case study takes place in the micro-company Recoplastic S.A. from the parish of San Juan, which is dedicated to recycling plastics and creating new objects from them. With the creation of the microenterprise regime, this organization changed its tax name from the Single Registry of Taxpayers (RUC) to the Microenterprise Regime (RIM), through which it performs its formal duties, avoiding remaining in hiding. From the development, the repercussion that it would have for the company Recoplastic S.A. was identified. The entry into this new regime, in addition to recognizing the benefits and incentives it provides, it should be noted that the purpose of this investigation consisted in analyzing the fiscal effects of the Microenterprise Tax Regime on the Recoplastic microenterprise. In general, it can be synthesized that the microenterprise regime is a model that was proposed in 2019 and was approved by decree in 2020, despite the positive guidelines that the Internal Revenue Service had regarding collection, there were To date, setbacks for all companies in the country, including those that were declared bankrupt and even suffered a subsequent liquidation, therefore the RIM did not come to be implemented in an acceptable economic time since the country remained in recession due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After conducting the investigation, it was confirmed that Recoplastic S.A. obtained knowledge about how to use the advantages and disadvantages of the RIM for the benefit of the entity, in addition to the recognition of virtual tools, the simplification of compliance with tax obligations and the improvement of liquidity with respect to tax burdens.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study takes place in the micro-company Recoplastic S.A. from the parish of San Juan, which is dedicated to recycling plastics and creating new objects from them. With the creation of the microenterprise regime, this organization changed its tax name from the Single Registry of Taxpayers (RUC) to the Microenterprise Regime (RIM), through which it performs its formal duties, avoiding remaining in hiding. From the development, the repercussion that it would have for the company Recoplastic S.A. was identified. The entry into this new regime, in addition to recognizing the benefits and incentives it provides, it should be noted that the purpose of this investigation consisted in analyzing the fiscal effects of the Microenterprise Tax Regime on the Recoplastic microenterprise. In general, it can be synthesized that the microenterprise regime is a model that was proposed in 2019 and was approved by decree in 2020, despite the positive guidelines that the Internal Revenue Service had regarding collection, there were To date, setbacks for all companies in the country, including those that were declared bankrupt and even suffered a subsequent liquidation, therefore the RIM did not come to be implemented in an acceptable economic time since the country remained in recession due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After conducting the investigation, it was confirmed that Recoplastic S.A. obtained knowledge about how to use the advantages and disadvantages of the RIM for the benefit of the entity, in addition to the recognition of virtual tools, the simplification of compliance with tax obligations and the improvement of liquidity with respect to tax burdens.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso tiene lugar en la microempresa Recoplastic S.A. de la parroquia de San Juan, la cual se dedica al reciclaje de plásticos y creación de objetos nuevos a partir de estos. Con la creación del régimen de microempresas esta organización cambio su denominación tributaria de Registro Único de Contribuyentes (RUC) a Régimen Microempresarial (RIM), por medio del cual realiza sus deberes formales, evitando permanecer en la clandestinidad. A partir del desarrollo se identificó la repercusión que tendría para la empresa Recoplastic S.A. el ingreso a este nuevo régimen, además de reconocer los beneficios e incentivos que propicia, cabe destacar que el fin de la presente indagación consistió en analizar los efectos fiscales del Régimen Tributario de Microempresas en la microempresa Recoplastic. De forma general se puede sintetizar que el régimen de microempresas es un modelo que se propuso en el 2019 y fue aprobado mediante decreto en el año 2020, pese a las directrices positivas con las que contaba el Servicio de Rentas Internas respecto a la recaudación, existieron a la fecha contratiempos para todas las empresas del país incluyendo aquellas que fueron declaradas en quiebra y hasta sufrieron una posterior liquidación, por lo tanto el RIM, no vino a implantarse en una época económica aceptable ya que el país se mantuvo en recesión debido a la pandemia del Covid-19. Luego de efectuar la investigación se corroboro que Recoplastic S.A. obtuvo conocimiento acerca de cómo utilizar las ventajas y desventajas propias del RIM en beneficio de la entidad, además del reconocimiento de herramientas virtuales, la simplificación del cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y la mejora de liquidez respecto de las cargas impositivas.es_ES
dc.format.extent23 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleRepercusión del régimen tributario de microempresas en la organización Recolpastic S.A. de la Parroquia San Juan, periodo 2020 – 2021es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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