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dc.contributor.advisorGoyes Cabezas, Víctor Julio
dc.contributor.authorToalombo Huacon, Andrés Renan
dc.descriptionIron spot disease is caused by the fungus C. coffeicola, it is considered a disease of economic importance that affects the coffee crop, which causes damage to the plant at various stages, from the nursery to the established plantations; the most serious damage occurs in the fruit, but also affects leaves and branches. The information obtained was carried out through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary, with the sole objective of establishing specific information in correspondence to the project, which has as its theme "Integrated management of iron spot (C. coffeicola), in the cultivation of coffee (C. arabica) in Ecuador". Based on the above, it was determined that, in some regions of Ecuador, the disease has affected almost 50 % of the coffee growing area, causing a yield loss of around 15 %, given that C. coffeicola thrives in a constantly warm and humid environment. Symptoms on leaves are round or oval spots with a size of 6 to 13 mm in diameter that start with yellow spots visible on the edges of the leaves and grow in a circular pattern as the disease progresses; these spots are black when young, but when the fruits of the fungus fall. Symptoms on branches occur on the soft parts, gray spots appear and extend several centimeters, sometimes covering the entire internode; the spots darken, the gray false bark cracks and the trunk is exposed. Lesions on fruit are round, sunken and of various sizes; infested cherries initially appear as small red or brown spots that enlarge and sink into the tissue, and the lesions are brown and sometimes surrounded by a purplish halo. It is important to establish vigorous coffee trees with a good root system and adequate shade; it is recommended that coffee trees be pruned as necessary to improve ventilation and reduce environmental humidity. As a general control measure for iron spot disease, it is important to avoid nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, since nutrition has a great influence on the development of the disease.es_ES
dc.descriptionIron spot disease is caused by the fungus C. coffeicola, it is considered a disease of economic importance that affects the coffee crop, which causes damage to the plant at various stages, from the nursery to the established plantations; the most serious damage occurs in the fruit, but also affects leaves and branches. The information obtained was carried out through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary, with the sole objective of establishing specific information in correspondence to the project, which has as its theme "Integrated management of iron spot (C. coffeicola), in the cultivation of coffee (C. arabica) in Ecuador". Based on the above, it was determined that, in some regions of Ecuador, the disease has affected almost 50 % of the coffee growing area, causing a yield loss of around 15 %, given that C. coffeicola thrives in a constantly warm and humid environment. Symptoms on leaves are round or oval spots with a size of 6 to 13 mm in diameter that start with yellow spots visible on the edges of the leaves and grow in a circular pattern as the disease progresses; these spots are black when young, but when the fruits of the fungus fall. Symptoms on branches occur on the soft parts, gray spots appear and extend several centimeters, sometimes covering the entire internode; the spots darken, the gray false bark cracks and the trunk is exposed. Lesions on fruit are round, sunken and of various sizes; infested cherries initially appear as small red or brown spots that enlarge and sink into the tissue, and the lesions are brown and sometimes surrounded by a purplish halo. It is important to establish vigorous coffee trees with a good root system and adequate shade; it is recommended that coffee trees be pruned as necessary to improve ventilation and reduce environmental humidity. As a general control measure for iron spot disease, it is important to avoid nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, since nutrition has a great influence on the development of the disease.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa enfermedad mancha de hierro es causada por el hongo C. coffeicola, es considerada una enfermedad de importancia económica que afecta al cultivo de café, que genera daños a la planta en diversas etapas, desde el vivero hasta las plantaciones establecidas; los daños más graves ocurren en el fruto, pero también afecta a las hojas y ramas. La información que se obtuvo fue efectuada mediante la técnica de análisis, síntesis y resumen, con el único objetivo de instaurar la información específica en correspondencia al proyecto, que lleva por temática “Manejo integrado de mancha de hierro (C. coffeicola), en el cultivo de café (C. arabica) en Ecuador”. Por lo anteriormente detallado se determinó que, en algunas regiones del Ecuador, la enfermedad ha afectado a casi el 50 % de la superficie cafetalera, provocando una pérdida de rendimiento de alrededor del 15 %; dado que C. coffeicola prospera en un ambiente constantemente cálido y húmedo. Los síntomas en las hojas son manchas redondas u ovaladas con un tamaño de 6 a 13 mm de diámetro que comienza con manchas amarillas visibles en los bordes de las hojas y crece en un patrón circular a medida que avanza la enfermedad; estas manchas son negras cuando son jóvenes, pero cuando los frutos del hongo caen. Los síntomas en las ramas se dan en las partes blandas, aparecen manchas grises que se extienden varios centímetros, cubriendo en ocasiones todo el entrenudo; las manchas se oscurecen, la falsa corteza gris se agrieta y el tronco queda expuesto. Las lesiones en los frutos son redondas, hundidas y de diversos tamaños; las cerezas infestadas aparecen inicialmente como pequeñas manchas rojas o marrones que se agrandan y se hunden en el tejido, y las lesiones son marrones y a veces están rodeadas por un halo violáceo. Es importante establecer cafetos vigorosos con un buen sistema radicular y sombra adecuada; se recomienda podar los cafetos según sea necesario para mejorar la ventilación y reducir la humedad ambiental. Como medida general de control de la enfermedad mancha de hierro, es importante evitar deficiencias y desequilibrios nutricionales, ya que la nutrición tiene una gran influencia en el desarrollo de la enfermedad.es_ES
dc.format.extent32 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleManejo integrado de mancha de hierro (Cercospora coffeicola (Berk y cooke)), en el cultivo de café (Coffea arabica) en Ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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