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dc.contributor.advisorCampos Rocafuerte, Hugo Federico
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Bravo, Shirley Dayana
dc.descriptionThis research focuses on conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of budgetary control and financial management on the Government Autonomous Decentralized Parish of Balsapamba during the year 2022. Efficient administration of public resources is essential to ensure sustainable development and the achievement of goals within the parish. This study aims to identify significant challenges in financial management. The central problem revolves around the need to ensure that allocated resources are optimally and fully utilized to achieve the established objectives in budget execution. During the year 2022, the entity failed to meet previously planned objectives, underscoring the importance of implementing proper budgetary control. This control should be transparent, promote accountability, and simultaneously seek to maximize the use of public resources. The hypothesis of this research is formulated as follows: It seeks to understand how efficient budgetary control impacts the efficiency of financial management within the parish GAD of Balsapamba. The goal is to analyze how effective management of budgetary resources directly affects the efficiency and achievement of financial objectives of the entity. To conduct this research, a mixed methodological approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods is employed. This combination allows for a comprehensive understanding of budgetary control within the entity, utilizing the ability to quantify data while capturing key perspectives and experiences of GAD officials. Data collection techniques include structured observation and interviews, both designed to obtain objective information and subjective insights from the involved stakeholders. In the data processing section, a comprehensive analysis was conducted, involving the collection, data cleansing, and recording of crucial information. A notable aspect was the Pearson correlation coefficient, which revealed an extremely strong positive relationship between budgetary control and financial management, highlighting the critical importance of properly balancing these two areas. Furthermore, hypothesis testing confirmed the assumption that budgetary control is a crucial factor in the efficiency of financial management for GADPB, by accepting the alternative hypothesis.Additionally, the conclusions emphasize significant discrepancies between budgets and expenditures in certain categories, underscoring the urgent need for data-driven planning and effective budgetary control. Key recommendations include implementing a robust budgetary control system, basing planning on concrete data, conducting risk analyses, and enhancing internal control in projects and public procurement to enhance the financial management of the GAD Parroquial the Balsapamba.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research focuses on conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of budgetary control and financial management on the Government Autonomous Decentralized Parish of Balsapamba during the year 2022. Efficient administration of public resources is essential to ensure sustainable development and the achievement of goals within the parish. This study aims to identify significant challenges in financial management. The central problem revolves around the need to ensure that allocated resources are optimally and fully utilized to achieve the established objectives in budget execution. During the year 2022, the entity failed to meet previously planned objectives, underscoring the importance of implementing proper budgetary control. This control should be transparent, promote accountability, and simultaneously seek to maximize the use of public resources. The hypothesis of this research is formulated as follows: It seeks to understand how efficient budgetary control impacts the efficiency of financial management within the parish GAD of Balsapamba. The goal is to analyze how effective management of budgetary resources directly affects the efficiency and achievement of financial objectives of the entity. To conduct this research, a mixed methodological approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods is employed. This combination allows for a comprehensive understanding of budgetary control within the entity, utilizing the ability to quantify data while capturing key perspectives and experiences of GAD officials. Data collection techniques include structured observation and interviews, both designed to obtain objective information and subjective insights from the involved stakeholders. In the data processing section, a comprehensive analysis was conducted, involving the collection, data cleansing, and recording of crucial information. A notable aspect was the Pearson correlation coefficient, which revealed an extremely strong positive relationship between budgetary control and financial management, highlighting the critical importance of properly balancing these two areas. Furthermore, hypothesis testing confirmed the assumption that budgetary control is a crucial factor in the efficiency of financial management for GADPB, by accepting the alternative hypothesis.Additionally, the conclusions emphasize significant discrepancies between budgets and expenditures in certain categories, underscoring the urgent need for data-driven planning and effective budgetary control. Key recommendations include implementing a robust budgetary control system, basing planning on concrete data, conducting risk analyses, and enhancing internal control in projects and public procurement to enhance the financial management of the GAD Parroquial the Balsapamba.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación se enfocará en analizar exhaustivamente el impacto del control presupuestario y la gestión financiera en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial de Balsapamba durante el año 2022. La eficiente administración de recursos públicos es esencial para asegurar el desarrollo sostenible y el logro de metas en la parroquia. En este estudio se abordará la identificación de desafíos significativos en la gestión financiera. El problema central reside en la necesidad de garantizar que los recursos asignados se utilicen de manera óptima y en su totalidad, con el propósito de alcanzar los objetivos establecidos en la ejecución presupuestaria. Durante el período 2022, la entidad no logró cumplir con los objetivos previamente planificados, lo que resalta la importancia de implementar un control adecuado del presupuesto. Este control debe ser transparente y promover la rendición de cuentas, al mismo tiempo que busca maximizar la utilización de los recursos públicos. La hipótesis de esta investigación se plantea de la siguiente manera: Se busca comprender de qué manera un control presupuestario eficiente incide en la eficiencia de la gestión financiera del GAD parroquial de Balsapamba. Se pretende analizar cómo la efectiva administración de los recursos presupuestarios impacta directamente en la eficiencia y el logro de los objetivos financieros de la entidad. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se emplea un enfoque metodológico mixto que combina métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Esta combinación permite una comprensión completa del control presupuestario en la entidad, utilizará la capacidad de cuantificar datos y al mismo tiempo, capturará perspectivas y experiencias clave de los funcionarios del GAD. Las técnicas de recolección de datos incluyen observación estructurada y entrevistas, ambas diseñadas para obtener información objetiva y perspicacia subjetiva de los actores involucrados. En la sección de procesamiento de datos, se llevó a cabo un análisis exhaustivo que involucró la recopilación, depuración y registro de información crucial. Un punto destacado fue el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, que reveló una relación positiva extremadamente fuerte entre el control presupuestario y la gestión financiera esta correlación resaltó la importancia crítica de equilibrar adecuadamente estas dos áreas. Además, la verificación de hipótesis confirmó la suposición de que el control presupuestario es un factor crucial en la eficiencia de la gestión financiera del GADPB, al aceptar la hipótesis alternativa. Adicionalmente, en las conclusiones se resaltan las notables variaciones entre presupuestos y gastos en ciertas partidas evidenciando la necesidad urgente de una planificación basada en datos reales y un control presupuestario efectivo. Las recomendaciones clave incluyen implementar un sistema de control presupuestario sólido, basar la planificación en datos concretos, realizar análisis de riesgos y mejorar el control interno en proyectos y contratación pública para mejorar la gestión financiera del GAD Parroquial de Balsapamba.es_ES
dc.format.extent98 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectControl Presupuestarioes_ES
dc.subjectGestión Financieraes_ES
dc.subjectRecursos Públicoses_ES
dc.subjectGobiernos Autónomos Descentralizadoses_ES
dc.subjectEjecución presupuestariaes_ES
dc.subjectCoeficiente de Correlación de Pearsones_ES
dc.subjectVariaciones Presupuestarias.es_ES
dc.titleControl del presupuesto del gobierno autónomo descentralizado parroquial de balsapamba y su eficiencia en la gestión financiera - periodo 2022.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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