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dc.contributor.advisorOlvera Contreras, Orlando
dc.contributor.authorSantillán Peralta, Nanllely Anahí
dc.descriptionThis document deals with the integrated management of the red scale Neolecanium silverai Empell, in the oil palm crop Elaeis guineensis Jacq. A correct integrated pest management or IPM will help us to maintain our crops and avoid great damages that are generally caused by pests and diseases through the use of agricultural techniques. The use of this method will be of great benefit to agricultural producers since it will reduce the risk of losing crops, which could affect them economically. The main objective of this research approach is to describe the integrated management of the red scale N. silverai Empell in the oil palm crop E. guineensis. For the methodology of this research, a qualitative and descriptive approach was developed. This information was collected from updated study sources, which allowed its elaboration. Scientific documents, websites, journals, magazines, scientific articles, and any other material that is of great relevance and that will provide us with quality information to move forward with this project. The implementation of the tecinas by IPM in a structured way will help us to control pest populations. It was concluded that knowledge of proper integrated pest management or IPM is very important, and can be used in a variety of ways and techniques in our crops that are being infested. Some of these methods can be chemical, physical, cultural, biological, mechanical and ethological.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis document deals with the integrated management of the red scale Neolecanium silverai Empell, in the oil palm crop Elaeis guineensis Jacq. A correct integrated pest management or IPM will help us to maintain our crops and avoid great damages that are generally caused by pests and diseases through the use of agricultural techniques. The use of this method will be of great benefit to agricultural producers since it will reduce the risk of losing crops, which could affect them economically. The main objective of this research approach is to describe the integrated management of the red scale N. silverai Empell in the oil palm crop E. guineensis. For the methodology of this research, a qualitative and descriptive approach was developed. This information was collected from updated study sources, which allowed its elaboration. Scientific documents, websites, journals, magazines, scientific articles, and any other material that is of great relevance and that will provide us with quality information to move forward with this project. The implementation of the tecinas by IPM in a structured way will help us to control pest populations. It was concluded that knowledge of proper integrated pest management or IPM is very important, and can be used in a variety of ways and techniques in our crops that are being infested. Some of these methods can be chemical, physical, cultural, biological, mechanical and ethological.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el presente documento se trató sobre el Manejo integrado de la escama roja Neolecanium silverai Empell, en el cultivo de palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Un correcto manejo integrado de plagas o MIP nos va a ayudar a mantener nuestros cultivos y a evitar grandes daños que generalmente son causados por plagas y enfermedades mediante la utilización de técnicas de índole agrícola. La utilización de este método será de gran beneficio para los productores agrícolas ya que disminuirá el riesgo de perder los sembríos, lo que podría afectarlos económicamente. El objetivo principal de este enfoque investigativo es Describir el manejo integrado de la escama roja N. silverai Empell en el cultivo de palma aceitera E. guineensis. Para la metodología de esta investigación se desarrolló un enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo. Esta información se recopilo de fuentes de estudio actualizadas, lo que permitió su elaboración. Documentos científicos, sititos webs, revistas, artículos científicos, y cualquier otro material que sea de gran relevancia y que nos proporcionara información de calidad para avanzar con este proyecto. La implementación de las tecinas por parte del del MIP de manera estructurada nos va a ayudar a controlar las poblaciones de plagas. Se llego a la conclusión de que el tener conocimientos sobre un correcto manejo integrado en plagas o MIP es muy importante, y pueden ser empleados de diversas formas y en diferentes técnicas en nuestros cultivos que estén siendo infestados. Algunos de estos métodos pueden ser de forma química, física, cultural, biológica, mecánica y etológica.es_ES
dc.format.extent25 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectManejo integradoes_ES
dc.subjectE. guineensises_ES
dc.subjectN. silverai Empelles_ES
dc.subjectEscama rojaes_ES
dc.subjectPalma aceiteraes_ES
dc.titleManejo integrado de la escama roja Neolecanium silverai Empell, en el cultivo de palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis Jacq.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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