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dc.contributor.advisorEscobar Mayorga, Diana Carolina
dc.contributor.authorCubero Añasco, Ángeles Jamali
dc.descriptionThis case study focuses on La Tello Banana Company, located in the parish of Guare, province of Los Ríos, Ecuador, with the aim of analyzing the company's level of commercialization during the year 2023. Despite its solid track record in banana production and export, La Tello faces serious challenges that restrict its ability to effectively distribute its products and compete in local, national and international markets. The research seeks to identify the root causes of these problems and evaluate the company's performance. The method of methodological approximation was applied, which combines the compilation of qualitative and quantitative data. In the qualitative section, a nine-quadrant SWOT matrix was executed and an interview was conducted with the organization's sales manager to determine the effectiveness of the marketing tactics applied in the banana plantation. On the other hand, in the quantitative technique, a survey was conducted with the entity's employees to understand their perspective on the distribution processes and other pertinent characteristics. Through the information obtained, multiple deficiencies in the sale of the fruit were identified, deficiencies such as weak commercial associations, lack of effectiveness in making marketing decisions, subordination to traditional methods, problems in the timely supply of resources that cause operational interruptions. In response to these shortcomings, alternatives were suggested to optimize the marketing of the La Tello banana company, which includes product improvement, innovation in marketing methods, and consolidation of commercial alliances. These proposals are aimed at intensifying competitiveness and sustainability in a competitive commercial environment, stimulating its growth and expansion.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study focuses on La Tello Banana Company, located in the parish of Guare, province of Los Ríos, Ecuador, with the aim of analyzing the company's level of commercialization during the year 2023. Despite its solid track record in banana production and export, La Tello faces serious challenges that restrict its ability to effectively distribute its products and compete in local, national and international markets. The research seeks to identify the root causes of these problems and evaluate the company's performance. The method of methodological approximation was applied, which combines the compilation of qualitative and quantitative data. In the qualitative section, a nine-quadrant SWOT matrix was executed and an interview was conducted with the organization's sales manager to determine the effectiveness of the marketing tactics applied in the banana plantation. On the other hand, in the quantitative technique, a survey was conducted with the entity's employees to understand their perspective on the distribution processes and other pertinent characteristics. Through the information obtained, multiple deficiencies in the sale of the fruit were identified, deficiencies such as weak commercial associations, lack of effectiveness in making marketing decisions, subordination to traditional methods, problems in the timely supply of resources that cause operational interruptions. In response to these shortcomings, alternatives were suggested to optimize the marketing of the La Tello banana company, which includes product improvement, innovation in marketing methods, and consolidation of commercial alliances. These proposals are aimed at intensifying competitiveness and sustainability in a competitive commercial environment, stimulating its growth and expansion.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste estudio de caso se centra en la Bananera La Tello, situada en la parroquia Guare, provincia de Los Ríos, Ecuador, con el objetivo de analizar el nivel de comercialización de la empresa durante el año 2023. A pesar de su sólida trayectoria en la producción y exportación de banano, La Tello enfrenta serios desafíos que restringen su capacidad para distribuir eficazmente sus productos y competir en los mercados local, nacional e internacional. La investigación busca identificar las causas profundas de estos problemas y evaluar el desempeño de la empresa. Se aplico el método de aproximación metodológica que combina la compilación de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, en la sección cualitativa, se ejecuto una matriz FODA de nueve cuadrantes y una entrevista dirigida al jefe de ventas de la organización para determinar la efectividad de las tácticas de mercadeo aplicada en la bananera, por otro lado en la técnica cuantitativa se desarrollo una encuesta a los empleados de la entidad para comprender su perspectiva acerca de los procesos de distribución y otras características pertinente por medio de la información obtenida se pudo identificar múltiples carencias en la venta de la fruta, carencias como asociaciones comerciales frágiles, carencia de efectividad en la toma de decisiones de comercialización, subordinación a métodos tradicionales, problemas en el suministro oportuno de los recursos que ocasionan interrupciones operativas. En contestación a estas deficiencias, se sugirieron alternativas con el fin de optimizar la comercialización de la bananera La Tello, lo cual abarca el perfeccionamiento del producto, innovación en los métodos de mercadeó, consolidación de alianzas comerciales, estas propuestas están orientadas a intensificar la competitividad y sostenibilidad en un ambiente comercial competitivo, estimulando su crecimiento y expansión.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEstrategias de ventaes_ES
dc.titleNivel de comercialización de la Bananera La Tello en la Parroquia Guare, periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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