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dc.contributor.advisorLozano Chaguay, Luis Alberto
dc.contributor.authorMaliza Muñoz, Patricio Marcelo
dc.descriptionThis study was developed at the ECU-911 Babahoyo Integrated Security System, located in the city of Babahoyo. This research focuses on the emotional discharge process, understood as the expression and management of emotions in the work context. The nature of the situations that ECU-911 Babahoyo workers face, which may involve emergencies and crises, generates a high level of emotional stress, making it crucial to understand how this emotional discharge influences their job performance. The main objective of the research was to analyze the impact of the emotional discharge process on the job performance of the personnel in the operational area of the ECU-911 Babahoyo Integrated Security System during the period 2023. The research methodology was descriptive because it explains the variables under study. The results determined that it was concluded that stress is a problem present among the operational staff of ECU-911 Babahoyo, serious emergency situations are the main contributing factor to work stress, the relationship between emotional discharge and job performance in the operational staff of ECU-911 Babahoyo is evident and significant.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis study was developed at the ECU-911 Babahoyo Integrated Security System, located in the city of Babahoyo. This research focuses on the emotional discharge process, understood as the expression and management of emotions in the work context. The nature of the situations that ECU-911 Babahoyo workers face, which may involve emergencies and crises, generates a high level of emotional stress, making it crucial to understand how this emotional discharge influences their job performance. The main objective of the research was to analyze the impact of the emotional discharge process on the job performance of the personnel in the operational area of the ECU-911 Babahoyo Integrated Security System during the period 2023. The research methodology was descriptive because it explains the variables under study. The results determined that it was concluded that stress is a problem present among the operational staff of ECU-911 Babahoyo, serious emergency situations are the main contributing factor to work stress, the relationship between emotional discharge and job performance in the operational staff of ECU-911 Babahoyo is evident and significant.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio se desarrolló en el Sistema Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 Babahoyo, ubicada en la ciudad de Babahoyo. Esta investigación se centra en el proceso de descarga emocional, entendida como la expresión y gestión de las emociones en el contexto laboral. La naturaleza de las situaciones a las que se enfrentan los trabajadores del ECU-911 Babahoyo, que pueden involucrar emergencias y crisis, genera un alto nivel de estrés emocional, lo que hace crucial comprender cómo esta descarga emocional influye en su desempeño laboral. El objetivo principal de la investigación consistió en analizar el impacto del proceso de descarga emocional en el desempeño laboral del personal del área operativa del Sistema Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 Babahoyo durante el periodo 2023. La metodología de la investigación fue descriptiva porque explica las variables objeto de estudio. Los resultados determinaron que se pudo concluir que estrés es un problema presente entre el personal operativo del ECU-911 Babahoyo, las situaciones de emergencia graves son el principal factor contribuyente al estrés laboral, la relación entre la descarga emocional y el desempeño laboral en el personal operativo del ECU-911 Babahoyo es evidente y significativaes_ES
dc.format.extent51 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDescarga emocionales_ES
dc.subjectSistema Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911es_ES
dc.titleProceso de descarga emocional y su incidencia en el desempeño laboral del área operativa del Sistema Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 Babahoyo, periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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