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dc.contributor.advisorCampos Rocafuerte, Hugo Federico
dc.contributor.authorGómez Camacho, Merly Anagelly
dc.descriptionThis Curricular Integration Project is dedicated to the study of delinquency in the credit portfolio of the San Antonio Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltda. Los Ríos, located in the Montalvo canton, during the period 2023, and the impact that this aspect has on the profitability of the financial institution. The main purpose of any financial entity is to have stability, but to do so they must overcome various obstacles, such as late payment. Its general objective is to identify, through the determination and analysis, the delinquencies in the credit portfolio of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Antonio Ltda. Los Ríos to present mechanisms that improve profitability. The types of research used were descriptive and exploratory research, together with the mixed, descriptive and exploratory method. To collect information, direct observation and interview techniques were used, the first through the instrument called observation guide and the second through the use of questionnaires directed at the sample housed in the credit area. It is concluded that the cooperative has a default rate of 3.85%, with direct negative impacts on profitability due to the need to establish provisions for overdue loans. Microcredits have the highest delinquency rate with 58.56%, compared to 41.44% for consumer loans, indicating the need to review granting policies in this segment. It is recommended to implement more rigorous credit evaluations, training for staff in collection techniques, refinancing policies and income diversification to mitigate the impact of delinquencies and strengthen the financial sustainability of the cooperative.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis Curricular Integration Project is dedicated to the study of delinquency in the credit portfolio of the San Antonio Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltda. Los Ríos, located in the Montalvo canton, during the period 2023, and the impact that this aspect has on the profitability of the financial institution. The main purpose of any financial entity is to have stability, but to do so they must overcome various obstacles, such as late payment. Its general objective is to identify, through the determination and analysis, the delinquencies in the credit portfolio of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Antonio Ltda. Los Ríos to present mechanisms that improve profitability. The types of research used were descriptive and exploratory research, together with the mixed, descriptive and exploratory method. To collect information, direct observation and interview techniques were used, the first through the instrument called observation guide and the second through the use of questionnaires directed at the sample housed in the credit area. It is concluded that the cooperative has a default rate of 3.85%, with direct negative impacts on profitability due to the need to establish provisions for overdue loans. Microcredits have the highest delinquency rate with 58.56%, compared to 41.44% for consumer loans, indicating the need to review granting policies in this segment. It is recommended to implement more rigorous credit evaluations, training for staff in collection techniques, refinancing policies and income diversification to mitigate the impact of delinquencies and strengthen the financial sustainability of the cooperative.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste Proyecto de Integración Curricular se dedica al estudio de la morosidad en la cartera de crédito de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Antonio Ltda. Los Ríos, ubicada en el cantón Montalvo, durante el periodo 2023 y la incidencia que este aspecto tiene en la rentabilidad de la entidad financiera. El propósito principal de cualquier entidad financiera es tener estabilidad, pero para ello deben superar diversos obstáculos, como lo es el caso de la morosidad. Su objetivo general es identificar mediante la determinación y análisis de la morosidad en la cartera de crédito de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Antonio Ltda. Los Ríos para presentar mecanismos que mejoren la rentabilidad. Los tipos de investigación que se emplearon la investigación descriptiva y la exploratoria, en conjunto con el método mixto, descriptivo y exploratorio. Para la recopilación de información se utilizó las técnicas de observación directa y la entrevista, la primera mediante el instrumento denominado guía de observación y la segunda por medio del uso de cuestionarios dirigidos a la muestra alojada en el área de créditos. Se concluye que la cooperativa posee un índice de morosidad del 3,85%, con impactos negativos directos en la rentabilidad debido a la necesidad de establecer provisiones para créditos vencidos. Los microcréditos presentan la mayor morosidad con un 58,56%, comparado con el 41,44% de los créditos de consumo, indicando la necesidad de revisar las políticas de otorgamiento en este segmento. Se recomienda implementar evaluaciones crediticias más rigurosas, capacitaciones para el personal en técnicas de cobranza, políticas de refinanciamiento y diversificación de ingresos para mitigar el impacto de la morosidad y fortalecer la sostenibilidad financiera de la cooperativa.es_ES
dc.format.extent100 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCartera de Créditoses_ES
dc.subjectCooperativa de Ahorro y Créditoes_ES
dc.titleDeterminación y análisis de los indicadores de morosidad sobre la cartera de crédito de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Antonio Ltda. Los Ríos del Cantón Montalvo periodo 2023 y su incidencia en la rentabilidad.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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