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dc.contributor.advisorCampos Rocafuerte, Hugo Federico
dc.contributor.authorMendoza Carpio, Jahaira Yuleidy
dc.descriptionThis curricular research project was conducted at MARCSEAL S.A. with the focus on evaluating internal control and its impact on the company's internal controls. The study emphasizes the importance of internal controls in safeguarding financial assets, ensuring the accuracy of accounting records, and promoting operational efficiency. The primary objective is to propose strategies to strengthen internal control, leading to the efficient management of the company's financial assets. The core issue addressed is the inadequate application of internal controls and how this weakness affects the company's financial assets. Effective internal control of financial assets is crucial for maintaining the company's financial health; the effective implementation of these controls will have a significant positive impact on the company's financial stability and growth. The findings highlight deficiencies in internal controls, particularly in cash and bank management, where periodic controls were not conducted, and in accounts receivable, which lacked efficient control in granting sales credit. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an internal control policy that is known and timely applied by all company members, ensuring sustainable economic development.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis curricular research project was conducted at MARCSEAL S.A. with the focus on evaluating internal control and its impact on the company's internal controls. The study emphasizes the importance of internal controls in safeguarding financial assets, ensuring the accuracy of accounting records, and promoting operational efficiency. The primary objective is to propose strategies to strengthen internal control, leading to the efficient management of the company's financial assets. The core issue addressed is the inadequate application of internal controls and how this weakness affects the company's financial assets. Effective internal control of financial assets is crucial for maintaining the company's financial health; the effective implementation of these controls will have a significant positive impact on the company's financial stability and growth. The findings highlight deficiencies in internal controls, particularly in cash and bank management, where periodic controls were not conducted, and in accounts receivable, which lacked efficient control in granting sales credit. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an internal control policy that is known and timely applied by all company members, ensuring sustainable economic development.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación curricular se desarrolló en la empresa MARCSEAL S.A con el enfoque de evaluar el control interno y su incidencia en los controles interno, donde se aborda la importancia de los controles interno en la empresa ya que esto, permite a la empresa para salvaguardar sus activos financieros, asegurar la exactitud de sus registros contables y promover la eficiencia operativa. El objetivo general es Proponer estrategias que permitan el fortalecimiento del Control interno que conlleven al manejo eficiente de los activos financieros de la empresa. La problemática de este trabajo de integración curricular es la aplicación deficiente de los controles internos y como afecta esta debilidad en los activos financieros en la empresa. Al contar con un eficiente control interno de los activos financieros va a permitir a la empresa tener salud financiera, la implementación efectiva de estos controles tendrá un impacto positivo significativo en la estabilidad y el crecimiento financiero de la empresa. Los resultados se centran en la deficiencia en los controles internos lo que genera que la empresa no crezca económicamente en relación a la competencia. Por eso es necesario la implementación de una política de control interno que todos los actores de la empresa las conozca y la puedan aplicar de manera oportuna, para que la empresa tenga un desarrollo económico sustentable.es_ES
dc.format.extent94 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectActivo financieroes_ES
dc.subjectControl Internoes_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas Internases_ES
dc.titleControl interno de la Empresa Corporación Marcseal S.A de la ciudad de guayaquil y su incidencia en sus activos financieros periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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