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dc.contributor.advisorGaleas Guijarro, Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorChuquiana Rodríguez, Jesús Agustín
dc.descriptionEfficient management of accounts receivable is crucial for the financial success of organizations. This thesis project examines how the digital age has transformed this field, highlighting the use of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation. These technologies optimize collections management by freeing professionals from repetitive tasks and allowing for the personalization of strategies according to each customer's characteristics. In an increasingly digital business environment, it is essential for future professionals to be prepared to use these tools and adapt to technological changes. Both internationally and in Ecuador, efficient management of accounts receivable is crucial for transparency and financial stability, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The GAD of Zapotal, located in a rural area, has experienced delinquency issues affecting its liquidity. This study analyzes the internal control of accounts receivable and its impact on the entity's liquidity, proposing strategies to improve financial management and ensure compliance with its obligations. The GAD of Zapotal faces challenges in managing its accounts receivable, impacting its liquidity due to ineffective internal control. The research aims to identify weaknesses in the current system, assess their impact on liquidity, and propose improvements. Given the importance of accounts receivable as a source of income, effective internal control is essential for ensuring transparency and compliance with obligations. The study will address the existing knowledge gap, providing recommendations to optimize financial management and strengthen public trust in institutions. Additionally, it will contribute to the efficient use of public resources, benefiting the community. The research is feasible due to the availability of data and support from local authorities.es_ES
dc.descriptionEfficient management of accounts receivable is crucial for the financial success of organizations. This thesis project examines how the digital age has transformed this field, highlighting the use of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation. These technologies optimize collections management by freeing professionals from repetitive tasks and allowing for the personalization of strategies according to each customer's characteristics. In an increasingly digital business environment, it is essential for future professionals to be prepared to use these tools and adapt to technological changes. Both internationally and in Ecuador, efficient management of accounts receivable is crucial for transparency and financial stability, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The GAD of Zapotal, located in a rural area, has experienced delinquency issues affecting its liquidity. This study analyzes the internal control of accounts receivable and its impact on the entity's liquidity, proposing strategies to improve financial management and ensure compliance with its obligations. The GAD of Zapotal faces challenges in managing its accounts receivable, impacting its liquidity due to ineffective internal control. The research aims to identify weaknesses in the current system, assess their impact on liquidity, and propose improvements. Given the importance of accounts receivable as a source of income, effective internal control is essential for ensuring transparency and compliance with obligations. The study will address the existing knowledge gap, providing recommendations to optimize financial management and strengthen public trust in institutions. Additionally, it will contribute to the efficient use of public resources, benefiting the community. The research is feasible due to the availability of data and support from local authorities.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa gestión eficiente de las cuentas por cobrar es crucial para el éxito financiero de las organizaciones. Este proyecto de titulación analiza cómo la era digital ha transformado este ámbito, destacando el uso de la inteligencia artificial, el análisis de datos y la automatización. Estas tecnologías optimizan la gestión de cobranzas al liberar a los profesionales de tareas repetitivas y permitir la personalización de estrategias según las características de cada cliente. En un entorno empresarial cada vez más digital, es fundamental que los futuros profesionales estén preparados para utilizar estas herramientas y adaptarse a los cambios tecnológicos. A nivel internacional y en Ecuador, la gestión eficiente de las cuentas por cobrar es crucial para la transparencia y estabilidad financiera, especialmente tras la crisis provocada por la pandemia de COVID-19. En el GAD de Zapotal, ubicado en una zona rural, se han detectado problemas de morosidad que afectan su liquidez. Este estudio analiza el control interno de las cuentas por cobrar y su impacto en la liquidez de la entidad, proponiendo estrategias para mejorar la gestión financiera y asegurar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones. El GAD de Zapotal enfrenta desafíos en la gestión de sus cuentas por cobrar, afectando su liquidez debido a un control interno ineficaz. La investigación busca identificar las debilidades del sistema actual, evaluar su impacto en la liquidez y proponer mejoras. Dada la importancia de las cuentas por cobrar como fuente de ingresos, un control interno efectivo es esencial para asegurar la transparencia y el cumplimiento de obligaciones. El estudio abordará el vacío de conocimiento existente, ofreciendo recomendaciones para optimizar la gestión financiera y fortalecer la confianza en las instituciones públicas. Además, contribuirá al uso eficiente de recursos públicos, beneficiando a la comunidad. La investigación es viable gracias a la disponibilidad de datos y el apoyo de las autoridades locales.es_ES
dc.format.extent71 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDelitos financieroses_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas claras de créditoes_ES
dc.subjectCobranza proactivaes_ES
dc.subjectCultura de pagoes_ES
dc.titleControl interno de las cuentas por cobrar y su incidencia en la liquidez del GAD, Gobierno autónomo descentralizado rural de zapotal del periodo 2021-2022.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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