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dc.contributor.advisorCedeño Loja, Pedro Emilio
dc.contributor.authorLeón Moreira, Salma Dayana
dc.descriptionCannabis sativa L 1753, also called Indian hemp, is an annual herb grown mainly in Central Asia (India and China), defoliating insects are those that, in their larval or adult stages, eat the softer parts of the leaves, leaving holes in them, in the cultivation of C. sativa defoliating insects such as Lepidoptera being one of the pests that cause the greatest damage to C. sativa such as: the yellow woolly bear S. virginica, the Eurasian hemp moth G. delineana, the African asparagus caterpillar S. exigua, the armyworm H. zea, and the leaf miner L. Huidobrensis these cause damage to the crop by devouring its leaves, buds and flowers, the present work aims to analyze management alternatives for defoliating insects associated with the cultivation of C. sativa, its methodology is to gather information from current documents, research articles, virtual libraries and websites. The results obtained show that for the management of defoliating insects it is done through cultural, biological or chemical control methods. Cultural control includes keeping the area free of weeds, rotating the crop and using traps, biological control involves the use of other organisms such as entomopathogenic parasitoids and natural predators, as chemical control, pyrethroids, organophosphates or neonicotinoids should be used but it was concluded that integrated pest management is the best option for the management of defoliating insects because it reduces the negative effects of an approach and has many important benefits, such as the reduction to chemicalses_ES
dc.descriptionCannabis sativa L 1753, also called Indian hemp, is an annual herb grown mainly in Central Asia (India and China), defoliating insects are those that, in their larval or adult stages, eat the softer parts of the leaves, leaving holes in them, in the cultivation of C. sativa defoliating insects such as Lepidoptera being one of the pests that cause the greatest damage to C. sativa such as: the yellow woolly bear S. virginica, the Eurasian hemp moth G. delineana, the African asparagus caterpillar S. exigua, the armyworm H. zea, and the leaf miner L. Huidobrensis these cause damage to the crop by devouring its leaves, buds and flowers, the present work aims to analyze management alternatives for defoliating insects associated with the cultivation of C. sativa, its methodology is to gather information from current documents, research articles, virtual libraries and websites. The results obtained show that for the management of defoliating insects it is done through cultural, biological or chemical control methods. Cultural control includes keeping the area free of weeds, rotating the crop and using traps, biological control involves the use of other organisms such as entomopathogenic parasitoids and natural predators, as chemical control, pyrethroids, organophosphates or neonicotinoids should be used but it was concluded that integrated pest management is the best option for the management of defoliating insects because it reduces the negative effects of an approach and has many important benefits, such as the reduction to chemicalses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl cannabis sativa L 1753, también llamado cáñamo indio, es una hierba anual que se cultiva principalmente en Asia Central (India y China), los insectos defoliadores son los que, en sus estadios larvarios o adultos, comen las partes más blandas de las hojas, dejándole agujeros, en el cultivo del C. sativa los insectos defoliadores como son los lepidópteros siendo una de las plagas que mayor daño causan al C. sativa como: es el oso lanudo amarillo S. virginica, la polilla del cáñamo euroasiático G. delineana, oruga de la esparraguera africana S. exigua, el gusano cogollero H. zea, y la minadora de la hoja L. Huidobrensis estos causan daño al cultivo devorando sus hojas, brotes y flores, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar alternativas de manejo para los insectos defoliadores asociados al cultivo de C. sativa, tiene como metodología reunir información de documentos actuales, artículos de investigación, bibliotecas virtuales y sitios web. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que para el manejo de los insectos defoliadores se lo realiza mediante métodos de control cultural, biológico o químico el control cultural incluye mantener el área libre de malezas, hacer rotación del cultivo y usar trampas, el control biológico implica el uso de otros organismos como son parasitoides entomopatógenos y depredadores naturales, como control químico, se utilizan deben utilizar piretroides, organofosforados o neonicotinoides pero se llego a la conclusión de que el manejo integrado de plagas es la mejor opción para el manejo de insectos defoliadores porque reduce los efectos negativos de un enfoque y tienen muchos beneficios importantes, como la reducción a productos químicos.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleManejo de insectos defoliadores asociados al cultivo de cannabis medicinal Cannabis sativa L, 1753.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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