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dc.contributor.advisorBastidas Arbeláez, Tania Zobeida
dc.contributor.authorCalero Álava, Janaly Lizbeth
dc.descriptionThe rice company of Ángel Calero is an industry that produces and markets grains, especially rice. This cereal is the basis of food for communities at the cantonal level and offers job opportunities to operators in the agricultural area. For many years the company has been dedicated to the mass production of this cereal, taking as a reference projections in costs and expenses incurred during the production process, which has generated significant variations. This project focused on identifying the factors that affect the profitability of the company, while at the same time knowing and breaking down the quantitative information provided by the institution to have a clear idea of the cost accounting of the business. Important details were noted that indicate that the aforementioned industry, by not having a detailed record of the costs incurred in the production process, makes it difficult to make correct decisions, and in turn there is a lack of financial education and ignorance in the accounting area on the part of those in charge. This study showed that the Calero rice industry produces this cereal in large volumes, making its profit margin recognizable in brief, but on the other hand, it is difficult to identify inefficiencies in the rice production process, because it is possible that nullities occur during the production process and there may be a loss of money or misuse of other resources that ultimately result in losses. By the way, this business has remained financially healthy over the years, since it has not presented significant decreases in its income.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe rice company of Ángel Calero is an industry that produces and markets grains, especially rice. This cereal is the basis of food for communities at the cantonal level and offers job opportunities to operators in the agricultural area. For many years the company has been dedicated to the mass production of this cereal, taking as a reference projections in costs and expenses incurred during the production process, which has generated significant variations. This project focused on identifying the factors that affect the profitability of the company, while at the same time knowing and breaking down the quantitative information provided by the institution to have a clear idea of the cost accounting of the business. Important details were noted that indicate that the aforementioned industry, by not having a detailed record of the costs incurred in the production process, makes it difficult to make correct decisions, and in turn there is a lack of financial education and ignorance in the accounting area on the part of those in charge. This study showed that the Calero rice industry produces this cereal in large volumes, making its profit margin recognizable in brief, but on the other hand, it is difficult to identify inefficiencies in the rice production process, because it is possible that nullities occur during the production process and there may be a loss of money or misuse of other resources that ultimately result in losses. By the way, this business has remained financially healthy over the years, since it has not presented significant decreases in its income.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa empresa arrocera de Ángel Calero es una industria productora y comercializadora de granos, especialmente arroz. Este cereal es base de alimento para comunidades a nivel cantonal y ofrece oportunidades de trabajo a operadores en el área agrícola. Durante muchos años la empresa se ha dedicado a la producción masiva de este cereal tomando como referencia proyecciones en costos y gastos incurridos durante el proceso productivo, lo cual ha generado variaciones significativas. Este proyectó se enfocó en identificar los factores que inciden en la rentabilidad de la empresa, al mismo tiempo conocer y desglosar la información cuantitativa proporcionada por la institución para tener una idea clara de la contabilidad de costos del negocio. Se denotaron importantes detalles que indican que la mencionada industria al no contar con un registro detallado de los costos incurridos en el proceso productivo dificulta la toma de decisiones acertadas, y a su vez existe falta de educación financiera y desconocimiento en el área contable por parte de los encargados. Este estudio demostró que la industria arrocera Calero al producir en gran volumen este cereal, hace que sea reconocible su margen de utilidad a breves rasgos, pero por otro lado, es complejo identificar ineficiencias en el proceso de producción del arroz, debido a que es posible que ocurran nulidades durante el proceso productivo y puede haber fuga de dinero o mal utilización de otros recursos que al final resultan en pérdidas. Aun así este negocio se ha mantenido saludable económicamente con el pasar de los años, dado que no ha presentado disminuciones significativas en sus ingresos.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProceso productivoes_ES
dc.subjectSalud financieraes_ES
dc.titleCosto de producción de la Hacienda Arrocera De Ángel Calero en el cantón Babahoyo en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador