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dc.contributor.advisorBastidas Arbeláez, Tania Zobeida
dc.contributor.authorCarrión Villao, Dayana Nicole
dc.descriptionAccounts payable are the debts that a company has with its suppliers, that is, the money still to be paid for goods or services already received, a good management of accounts strengthens the relationship with creditors, this helps to manage the company's cash. It is vital to keep a detailed record of all invoices to know the payment term that the entity has to pay its debts, thus avoiding interest for late payment that can damage the reputation. In view of the above, the accounts payable of STRADAUTO S.A. were examined through an analysis of its financial statements for the period 2021-2022, where it could be seen that the entity has had difficulties in complying with timely payments to its suppliers, which has generated an increase in outstanding debts. The management of accounts payable is essential for the business economy, since it plays a crucial role in the management of the company's financial responsibilities in both the short and medium term. To conclude, a quantitative methodological approach was used, which is based on applying the financial indicators of short term payment, in addition, descriptive research was used, focusing on detailing and describing the current and past situation of the company STRADAUTO S.A., with the objective of specifying the conditions of the entity.es_ES
dc.descriptionAccounts payable are the debts that a company has with its suppliers, that is, the money still to be paid for goods or services already received, a good management of accounts strengthens the relationship with creditors, this helps to manage the company's cash. It is vital to keep a detailed record of all invoices to know the payment term that the entity has to pay its debts, thus avoiding interest for late payment that can damage the reputation. In view of the above, the accounts payable of STRADAUTO S.A. were examined through an analysis of its financial statements for the period 2021-2022, where it could be seen that the entity has had difficulties in complying with timely payments to its suppliers, which has generated an increase in outstanding debts. The management of accounts payable is essential for the business economy, since it plays a crucial role in the management of the company's financial responsibilities in both the short and medium term. To conclude, a quantitative methodological approach was used, which is based on applying the financial indicators of short term payment, in addition, descriptive research was used, focusing on detailing and describing the current and past situation of the company STRADAUTO S.A., with the objective of specifying the conditions of the entity.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLas cuentas por pagar son las deudas que una empresa tiene con sus proveedores, es decir, el dinero que aún debe pagar por bienes o servicios ya recibidos, un buen manejo de las cuentas fortalece la relación con los acreedores, esto ayuda a gestionar el efectivo de la compañía. Es vital llevar un registro detallado de todas las facturas para saber el plazo de pago que tiene la entidad para cancelar sus deudas, de esta manera se pueda evitar los intereses por mora y que puedan dañar la reputación. Por lo expuesto previamente se examinó las cuentas por pagar de la empresa STRADAUTO S.A., mediante un análisis de sus estados financieros correspondientes al periodo 2021-2022, donde se pudo visualizar que la entidad ha tenido dificultades para cumplir con los pagos puntuales a sus proveedores, lo que ha generado un aumento en las deudas pendientes. La administración de las cuentas por pagar es esencial para la economía empresarial, debido a que, esta juega un papel crucial en la gestión de las responsabilidades financieras de la compañía tanto a corto como a mediano plazo. Para concluir se empleó un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo, el cual se basa en aplicar los indicadores financieros de pago a corto plazo, además, se utilizó la investigación descriptiva, centrándose en detallar y describir la situación actual y pasada de la empresa STRADAUTO S.A, con el objetivo de especificar las condiciones de la entidad.es_ES
dc.format.extent47 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCuentas por pagares_ES
dc.subjectPeriodo promedio de pagoes_ES
dc.subjectPrueba ácidaes_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis horizontales_ES
dc.titleCuentas por pagar de la Empresa Stradauto S.A., en el periodo 2021- 2022.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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