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dc.contributor.advisorGarofalo Velasco, Darly Agnelio
dc.contributor.authorHerrera Sandoya, Ramiro Benedicto
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this case study is to evaluate the internal control of infrastructure projects in the GAD Parroquial de Pimocha in the period 2022-2023. Internal control is a fundamental tool for good management of financial resources in an institution. The objective of this study focuses on identifying the deficiencies and errors that were made at the time of allocating and executing the budget for the works because it significantly affects the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. The methodology used for the research has a mixed approach that combines the quantitative and qualitative method, which includes a documentary analysis of the financial records and the results obtained, as well as a control evaluation of different officials of the institution, in order to determine the level of confidence in the different stages they have at the time of executing a project. In conclusion, we obtained that there are deficiencies in the management of the budget due to lack of documentation, staff training and above all lack of professionalism, etc., within the different areas of the administration, which is why it is recommended to establish clear procedures to improve the internal control system that has led the GAD Parroquial de Pimocha in recent periods.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this case study is to evaluate the internal control of infrastructure projects in the GAD Parroquial de Pimocha in the period 2022-2023. Internal control is a fundamental tool for good management of financial resources in an institution. The objective of this study focuses on identifying the deficiencies and errors that were made at the time of allocating and executing the budget for the works because it significantly affects the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. The methodology used for the research has a mixed approach that combines the quantitative and qualitative method, which includes a documentary analysis of the financial records and the results obtained, as well as a control evaluation of different officials of the institution, in order to determine the level of confidence in the different stages they have at the time of executing a project. In conclusion, we obtained that there are deficiencies in the management of the budget due to lack of documentation, staff training and above all lack of professionalism, etc., within the different areas of the administration, which is why it is recommended to establish clear procedures to improve the internal control system that has led the GAD Parroquial de Pimocha in recent periods.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso tiene como finalidad evaluar el control interno de los proyectos de infraestructura en el GAD Parroquial de Pimocha en el periodo 2022-2023. El control interno es una herramienta fundamental para tener un buen manejo de los recursos financieros en una institución. El objetivo de este estudio se centra en identificar las deficiencias y errores que tuvieron al momento de asignar y ejecutar el presupuesto para las obras debido a que afecta notoriamente la eficiencia, eficacia y transparencia. La metodología usada para la investigación tiene un enfoque mixto que combina el método cuantitativo y cualitativo el cual incluye un análisis documental a los registros financieros y a los resultados obtenidos también se realizara una evaluación de control a distintitos funcionarios de la institución, con el fin de determinar el nivel de confianza en las distintas etapas que tienen al momento de ejecutar un proyecto. En conclusión, obtuvimos que existen deficiencias en el manejo del presupuesto por su falta de documentación, capacitación al personal y sobre todo por su falta de profesionalismo etc, dentro de las distintas áreas de la administración, es por eso que se recomienda establecer procedimientos claros para mejorar el sistema de control interno que ha llevado el GAD Parroquial de Pimocha en últimos periodos.es_ES
dc.format.extent49 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectControl internoes_ES
dc.titleControl interno de proyectos de infraestructura en el GAD Parroquial de Pimocha en el periodo 2022-2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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