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dc.contributor.advisorMedina Burbano, Roberto Carlos
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Valero, Freddy Leandro
dc.descriptionThe rise of innovation in the food and beverage industry has led to the search for the revaluation of agricultural by-products such as cocoa mucilage, a viscous substance rich in sugars and nutrients, which used to be removed during the production of chocolate. Recent studies have shown that this material has an interesting potential in the manufacture of high value-added products. On the other hand, non-psychotropic hemp (Cannabis sativa L) is gaining weight in the market thanks to its therapeutic properties, being used in different personal care products and food supplements characterized by low THC and high CBD levels. The interest in adding non psychoactive cannabis to beverage production is mainly due to its health benefits, such as anti inflammatory and anxiolytic properties. By combining cocoa mucilage with cannabis extract, a very tasty and at the same time very functional nectar could be obtained. This proposal proposes that a healthy nectar could be the result of the combination of cocoa mucilage with non psychoactive cannabis extract that achieves a synergy with natural ingredients beneficial to human health at multiple levels. The mucilage contributes prebiotics, antioxidants and the hemp enriches the product with CBD, which has anxiolytic, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. This product has the potential to be used as a natural dietary supplement to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve overall well-beinges_ES
dc.descriptionThe rise of innovation in the food and beverage industry has led to the search for the revaluation of agricultural by-products such as cocoa mucilage, a viscous substance rich in sugars and nutrients, which used to be removed during the production of chocolate. Recent studies have shown that this material has an interesting potential in the manufacture of high value-added products. On the other hand, non-psychotropic hemp (Cannabis sativa L) is gaining weight in the market thanks to its therapeutic properties, being used in different personal care products and food supplements characterized by low THC and high CBD levels. The interest in adding non psychoactive cannabis to beverage production is mainly due to its health benefits, such as anti inflammatory and anxiolytic properties. By combining cocoa mucilage with cannabis extract, a very tasty and at the same time very functional nectar could be obtained. This proposal proposes that a healthy nectar could be the result of the combination of cocoa mucilage with non psychoactive cannabis extract that achieves a synergy with natural ingredients beneficial to human health at multiple levels. The mucilage contributes prebiotics, antioxidants and the hemp enriches the product with CBD, which has anxiolytic, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. This product has the potential to be used as a natural dietary supplement to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve overall well-beinges_ES
dc.description.abstractEl auge de la innovación en la industria de la alimentación y bebidas han orientado la búsqueda de la revalorización de subproductos agrícolas como el mucílago de cacao, una sustancia viscosa rica en azúcares y nutrientes, la cual solía ser retirada durante la producción de chocolate. En los últimos tiempos los estudios llevados a cabo al respecto han puesto de manifiesto que tal materia posee un interesante potencial en la fabricación de productos de alto valor añadido. Por otro lado, el cáñamo no psicotrópico (Cannabis sativa L) está ganando peso en el mercado gracias a sus propiedades terapéuticas, usándose en distintos productos de cuidado personal y suplementos alimenticios caracterizados por contener bajos niveles de THC y altos niveles de CBD. El interés por agregar cannabis no psicoactivo en la elaboración de bebidas, esto se debe principal por sus beneficios que ofrece para la salud, como propiedades antiinflamatorias y ansiolíticas. Al combinar el mucílago de cacao con extracto de cannabis se podría obtener un néctar muy sabroso y a la vez muy funcional. Esta propuesta plantea que un néctar saludable podría ser el resultado de la combinación del mucílago de cacao con el extracto de cannabis no psicoactiva que se consigue una sinergia con ingredientes naturales benéficos a múltiples niveles para la salud humana. El mucílago contribuye prebióticos, antioxidantes y el cáñamo enriquece el producto con CBD, que tiene efectos ansiolíticos, neuro protección y antiinflamatorios. Este producto tiene el potencial de ser utilizado como un suplemento alimenticio natural para promover la relajación, reducir el estrés y mejorar el bienestar general.es_ES
dc.format.extent46 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo, Ecuadores_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCarga microbiológicaes_ES
dc.titleAprovechamiento del mucilago de cacao (Theobroma Cacao L.) para la obtención de un néctar con cannabis no psicoactivo (Cannabis Sativa L.)es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador