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dc.contributor.advisorMerchán Jácome, Verónica Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorMoran Murillo, Silvia Nicole
dc.descriptionThis case study is in progress to show the reasonableness of the property, plant and equipment account of the rice company 'Marianela de Fátima' for the period 2023, this company is regulated by the institutions of the Ecuadorian state with the purpose of ensuring its correct functioning within the market. An asset such as property, plant and equipment is considered to be an asset that was acquired by the company through a purchase or construction; Said good must have a useful life of more than one year, that it generates economic returns in the future and that its value can be measured reliably. The initial measurement and the measurement in the process of its useful life is important for the reasonableness of the statements. financially, if the measurement is not carried out in accordance with international accounting standards, it will not be possible to have reasonableness in the accounting account. In the investigation, an interview and accounting analysis of the property, plant and equipment account were carried out, where it was evident that the company did not carry out a correct initial classification of the assets that are part of this group of assets, in addition, depreciation was not carried out with the percentages established by the internal revenue service, and the revaluation of the land was not carried out, due to this the company does not present a reasonableness of the Property, Plant and Equipment account.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is in progress to show the reasonableness of the property, plant and equipment account of the rice company 'Marianela de Fátima' for the period 2023, this company is regulated by the institutions of the Ecuadorian state with the purpose of ensuring its correct functioning within the market. An asset such as property, plant and equipment is considered to be an asset that was acquired by the company through a purchase or construction; Said good must have a useful life of more than one year, that it generates economic returns in the future and that its value can be measured reliably. The initial measurement and the measurement in the process of its useful life is important for the reasonableness of the statements. financially, if the measurement is not carried out in accordance with international accounting standards, it will not be possible to have reasonableness in the accounting account. In the investigation, an interview and accounting analysis of the property, plant and equipment account were carried out, where it was evident that the company did not carry out a correct initial classification of the assets that are part of this group of assets, in addition, depreciation was not carried out with the percentages established by the internal revenue service, and the revaluation of the land was not carried out, due to this the company does not present a reasonableness of the Property, Plant and Equipment account.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso está en caminado en mostrar la razonabilidad de la cuenta propiedad, planta y equipo de la empresa arrocera ''Marianela de Fátima' del periodo 2023, esta empresa se encuentra regulada por las instituciones del estado ecuatoriano con la finalidad de asegurar su correcto funcionamiento dentro del mercado. Se considera un bien como propiedad, planta y equipo a un activo que fue adquirido por la empresa por una compra o la construcción del mismo; dicho bien debe tener una vida útil mayor a un año, que genere rendimientos económicos en el futuro y que su valor se pueda medir con fiabilidad, la medición inicial y la medición en el proceso de su vida útil es importante para la razonabilidad de los estados financieros, si la medición no se la realiza de acuerdos a la estándares internacionales de contabilidad, no se lograra tener una razonabilidad en la cuenta contable. En la investigación se realizó entrevista y el análisis contable de la cuenta propiedad, planta y equipo, donde se evidencio que la empresa no realizó una correcta clasificación inicial en los bienes que forman parte de este grupo de activos, además no se realizaron la depreciación con los porcentajes que establece el servicio de rentas internas, y no se realizó la revalorización del terreno, debido a esto la empresa no presenta una razonabilidad de la cuenta Propiedad, Planta y Equipo.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPropiedad Planta y Equipoes_ES
dc.titleRazonabilidad de la cuenta de propiedad, planta y equipo en la Empresa Arrocera “Marianela de Fátima” del Cantón Samborondón durante el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador