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dc.contributor.advisorFernández Torres, Ana del Roció
dc.contributor.authorMoreno Muñoz, Orlando Ernesto
dc.descriptionThe research project is titled impact of the application of fiber optics in the technological infrastructure for the distribution of internet of the Eternet company in the city of Babahoyo, which is based on the analysis of adoption of fiber optics in the company, the which is currently managed with radio frequency, offering its customers low-speed internet, limited range and with connection interruptions. Fiber is a technology that has evolved over time, it has replaced many other technologies such as traditional microwave signals, radio frequency and copper-based data cabling, among others. The application of fiber provides consumers with greater speed, better bandwidth, connection stability and capacity in the volume of data transmission, which are fundamental for the economic development of the company, as well as users, bringing with them the satisfaction of both. The headquarters of the Eternet company is located in the city of Babahoyo. It faces challenges in the implementation of fiber and the improvement of technological infrastructure, among which are economic investment and the rural areas of the canton. This investigation will address important topics such as the characteristics of fiber optics, the opinion of customers, and the assessment of the economic resource, conducting an interview directed at one of the suppliers that has already implemented fiber optics in their company, versus Ethernet that is is in the transition of migrating to fiber, recognizing that it is a quality technology resistant to weather interference, with greater coverage and, above all, better positioning in the competitive market.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe research project is titled impact of the application of fiber optics in the technological infrastructure for the distribution of internet of the Eternet company in the city of Babahoyo, which is based on the analysis of adoption of fiber optics in the company, the which is currently managed with radio frequency, offering its customers low-speed internet, limited range and with connection interruptions. Fiber is a technology that has evolved over time, it has replaced many other technologies such as traditional microwave signals, radio frequency and copper-based data cabling, among others. The application of fiber provides consumers with greater speed, better bandwidth, connection stability and capacity in the volume of data transmission, which are fundamental for the economic development of the company, as well as users, bringing with them the satisfaction of both. The headquarters of the Eternet company is located in the city of Babahoyo. It faces challenges in the implementation of fiber and the improvement of technological infrastructure, among which are economic investment and the rural areas of the canton. This investigation will address important topics such as the characteristics of fiber optics, the opinion of customers, and the assessment of the economic resource, conducting an interview directed at one of the suppliers that has already implemented fiber optics in their company, versus Ethernet that is is in the transition of migrating to fiber, recognizing that it is a quality technology resistant to weather interference, with greater coverage and, above all, better positioning in the competitive market.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl proyecto de investigación se titula impacto de la aplicación de fibra óptica en la infraestructura tecnológica para la distribución de internet de la empresa Eternet en la ciudad de Babahoyo, el cual se fundamenta en el análisis de adopción de la fibra óptica en la empresa, la misma que actualmente se maneja con radio frecuencia, ofreciendo a sus clientes un internet de baja velocidad, limitado alcance y con interrupciones en la conexión. La fibra es una tecnología que ha evolucionado al pasar el tiempo, la misma ha reemplazado muchas otras tecnologías tales como, las tradicionales señales de microondas, la radio frecuencia y el cableado de datos basado en cobre, entre otros. La aplicación de fibra proporciona a los consumidores mayor velocidad, mejor ancho de banda, estabilidad en la conexión y capacidad en el volumen de la transmisión de datos, los cuales son fundamentales para el desarrollo económico de la empresa, así como los usuarios trayendo consigo la satisfacción de ambos. En la ciudad de Babahoyo se encuentra la matriz de la empresa Eternet, esta enfrenta desafíos en la implementación de la fibra y la mejora de la infraestructura tecnológica, entre los cuales se encuentran la inversión económica y las áreas rurales del cantón. La presente indagación abordará temas importantes como las características de la fibra óptica, la opinión de los clientes, y la valoración del recurso económico, realizando una entrevista direccionada a uno de los proveedores que ya implemento la fibra óptica en su empresa, versus Eternet que se encuentra en la transición de migrar a la fibra, reconociendo que es una tecnología de calidad resistente a interferencias climáticas, con mayor cobertura y sobre todo un mejor posicionamiento en el mercado competitivo.es_ES
dc.format.extent78 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFibra ópticaes_ES
dc.subjectInfraestructura tecnológicaes_ES
dc.subjectDistribución de internetes_ES
dc.titleImpacto de la aplicación de fibra óptica en la infraestructura tecnológica para la distribución de internet de la Empresa Eternet de la ciudad de Babahoyo.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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