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dc.contributor.advisorGómez Villalva, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorTorres Basurto, Odalis Damaris
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of three levels of inclusion of Zingiber officinale (ginger) extract in the drinking water as a growth promoter in the diet of broiler chickens along with the productive parameters and the cost/benefit per treatment. The chickens were assigned to 4 treatments; T0-(control treatment ), T1 - (4ml of Ginger addition) T2 - (8ml % of Ginger addition), T3 - (12ml of Ginger addition) was used A Completely Randomized Design (DCA) occurred after the first two weeks of life, that is, the application began from day 16 to day 42, with 160 chickens that were evaluated by applying these treatments, it was possible to show result in week 6 food consumption was similar between treatments, with T1 being the highest (5291.05 g). Treatment T3 showed the greatest weight gain, reaching the highest weight at the end of the study (3142.58 g). T3 had the best feed efficiency in week 6 (1.67).In terms of growth and body weight in chickens, treatment T3 showed the greatest increase in the weight of chickens, reaching the highest weight at the end of the period (3142.58 g). T2 achieved the greatest weight gain in weeks six (795.84) showed better weight gain and feed conversion. In conclusion, the addition of Zingiber officinale extract to the diet of chickens showed a statistically significant difference in terms of weight gain and feed conversion during the 42-day study.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of three levels of inclusion of Zingiber officinale (ginger) extract in the drinking water as a growth promoter in the diet of broiler chickens along with the productive parameters and the cost/benefit per treatment. The chickens were assigned to 4 treatments; T0-(control treatment ), T1 - (4ml of Ginger addition) T2 - (8ml % of Ginger addition), T3 - (12ml of Ginger addition) was used A Completely Randomized Design (DCA) occurred after the first two weeks of life, that is, the application began from day 16 to day 42, with 160 chickens that were evaluated by applying these treatments, it was possible to show result in week 6 food consumption was similar between treatments, with T1 being the highest (5291.05 g). Treatment T3 showed the greatest weight gain, reaching the highest weight at the end of the study (3142.58 g). T3 had the best feed efficiency in week 6 (1.67).In terms of growth and body weight in chickens, treatment T3 showed the greatest increase in the weight of chickens, reaching the highest weight at the end of the period (3142.58 g). T2 achieved the greatest weight gain in weeks six (795.84) showed better weight gain and feed conversion. In conclusion, the addition of Zingiber officinale extract to the diet of chickens showed a statistically significant difference in terms of weight gain and feed conversion during the 42-day study.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación tuvo como propósito evaluar el efecto de tres niveles de inclusión de extracto Zingiber officinale (jengibre) en el agua de bebida como promotor de crecimiento en la dieta de pollos broilers adjunto a los parámetros productivos y el beneficio-costo por tratamiento. Los pollos fueron asignados a 4 tratamientos; T0-(tratamiento testigo), T1 - (4ml de adición de Jengibre) T2 - (8ml de adición de Jengibre), T3 - (12ml de adición de Jengibre ) se utilizó un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) se dio tras pasar las dos primeras semanas de vida, es decir la aplicación se inició a partir del día 16 hasta el día 42, con 160 pollos que fueron evaluados mediante la aplicación de estos tratamientos, pudo evidenciar resultado en la semana 6 el consumo de alimento fue similar entre tratamientos, con T1 siendo el más alto (5291.05 g). El tratamiento T3 mostró el mayor aumento de peso, alcanzando el peso más alto al final del estudio (3142.58 g). T3 tuvo la mejor eficiencia alimentaria en la semana 6 (1.67) en el crecimiento y peso corporal en pollos el tratamiento T3 mostró el mayor aumento en el peso de los pollos, alcanzando el peso más alto al final del período (3142.58 g) El T2, alcanzo mayor ganancia peso en las semanas seis (795,84) mostraron una mejor ganancia de peso y conversión alimentaria. En conclusión, la adición de extracto de Zingiber officinale a la dieta de los pollos mostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en términos de ganancia de peso y conversión alimentaria durante el estudio de 42 días.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPollos de engordees_ES
dc.subjectGanancia de pesoes_ES
dc.titleEvaluación del extracto de Jengibre (Zingiber Officinale), sobre los índices productivos en pollos de engordees_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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