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dc.contributor.advisorMoran Rodríguez, Petita Susana
dc.contributor.authorPeralta Cevallos, Karla Nayeli
dc.descriptionFinancial management at the organizational level provides varieties of benefits through techniques and methods that can be applied critically, it provides the correct management of countless resources that are at hand in a company, many privileges will be executed with the purpose to increase its value, positive aspects for collaborators, possible investors and the first in the hierarchy of the organization, on the other hand, accounting administration, enables good management and correct interpretation of the information in the accounting documents that are presents to the board of directors. The situation becomes more complicated when considering the long-term effects of ineffective financial management on a financial institution. Loss of trust from partners and the community can result in decreased deposits and reduced access to external funds. Furthermore, the cooperative currently faces difficulties in maintaining its credit portfolio and meeting its financial obligations, which could lead to a downgrade of its credit rating and greater exposure to liquidity risks. For the analysis of this research in relation to the financial management of the Juan Pio de Mora Ltda cooperative in the city of Babahoyo, a mixed approach was implemented which allowed us to see the problems of this case study from a different perspective, based on The findings were concluded and new strategies were recommended which the organization can improve in the long term.es_ES
dc.descriptionFinancial management at the organizational level provides varieties of benefits through techniques and methods that can be applied critically, it provides the correct management of countless resources that are at hand in a company, many privileges will be executed with the purpose to increase its value, positive aspects for collaborators, possible investors and the first in the hierarchy of the organization, on the other hand, accounting administration, enables good management and correct interpretation of the information in the accounting documents that are presents to the board of directors. The situation becomes more complicated when considering the long-term effects of ineffective financial management on a financial institution. Loss of trust from partners and the community can result in decreased deposits and reduced access to external funds. Furthermore, the cooperative currently faces difficulties in maintaining its credit portfolio and meeting its financial obligations, which could lead to a downgrade of its credit rating and greater exposure to liquidity risks. For the analysis of this research in relation to the financial management of the Juan Pio de Mora Ltda cooperative in the city of Babahoyo, a mixed approach was implemented which allowed us to see the problems of this case study from a different perspective, based on The findings were concluded and new strategies were recommended which the organization can improve in the long term.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa gestión financiera a nivel organizacional proporciona variedades de beneficios por medio de técnicas y métodos que se pueden aplicar de forma critica, aporta el correcto manejo de un sin números de recursos que están a la mano en una empresa, muchos privilegios se ejecutara con el propósito de aumentar el valor a la misma, aspectos positivos para los colaboradores, posibles inversionistas y los primeros en la jerarquía de la organización, por otro lado la administración contable, posibilita el buen manejo y la interpretación correcta de la información de los documentos contables que se presenta a la junta de directivos. La situación se complica al considerar los efectos a largo plazo de una gestión financiera ineficaz en una entidad financiera. La pérdida de confianza por parte de socios y la comunidad puede resultar en una disminución de los depósitos y en un acceso reducido a fondos externos. Además, la cooperativa enfrenta actualmente dificultades para mantener su cartera de créditos y cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras, lo que podría llevar a una degradación de su calificación crediticia y a una mayor exposición a riesgos de liquidez. Para el análisis de esta investigación con relación a la gestión financiera de la cooperativa Juan Pio de Mora Ltda de la ciudad de Babahoyo, se implementó un enfoque mixto el cual permitió ver de una perspectiva diferente la problemática de este estudio de caso, en base a los hallazgos se concluyó y se recomendó nuevas estrategias la cual la organización podrá mejorar a largo plazo.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCartera Crediticiaes_ES
dc.subjectRiesgo Crediticioes_ES
dc.subjectGestión Financieraes_ES
dc.subject.otherContabilidad y Auditoríaes_ES
dc.titleLa Gestión Financiera de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Juan Pio de Mora del Cantón Babahoyo Provincia Los Ríos en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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