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dc.contributor.advisorArellano Gómez, John Javier
dc.contributor.authorVera Chiriguayo, Erick Jhostin
dc.descriptionCanine Babesiosis is an infection caused by a protozoan of the genus Babesia, which parasitizes the red blood cells of canines, multiplying and causing a febrile and hemolytic condition. It is transmitted by the tick of the genus Demacentor reticulatus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus, producing an infection in the canine. Acute, subacute and chronic, babesiosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution that can not only affect domestic mammals but also us humans, being a disease of public health interest. In the present experimental investigation, the purpose of this work is to determine Babesia canis in dogs with a history of ectoparasitosis that will be carried out at the Dr. Darío Pet veterinary clinic in the Ventanas Canton of the Province of Los Ríos, where sampling will be carried out on 50 canines of different breeds. , sex and ages, 1ml of peripheral blood will be extracted from the cephalic vein and then placed in a lilac-top vacuum tube with anticoagulant, a blood smear will be performed using the Giemsa staining method and a rapid test will be performed at 20%. After developing this research, the following results were obtained: By means of blood smears of the 40 samples, 23% were positive and 77% of the cases were negative, and by means of a rapid test the results found were 20% positive and 80% of the cases negative of the sampled animals. according to age from 6-1 months to 1 year 11% positive from 5-7 years 33% positive from 2-4 years 56% Through blood smear and rapid test the results obtained 5-6 Years 50% positive and from 3-4 years old, 50% were positive, based on the breed in the mixed breeds, a higher percentage of 34% positive was obtained through smears and by rapid test tests, 50% positive for the poodle breed was obtained. and the other 50% positive of the Pekingese breed, based on sex by the smear technique, 89% positive was obtained in males and 11% in females, thus finding a higher incidence according to sex, and through rapid testing 2 cases Positive results were found in females with 100% of the animals sampled.es_ES
dc.descriptionCanine Babesiosis is an infection caused by a protozoan of the genus Babesia, which parasitizes the red blood cells of canines, multiplying and causing a febrile and hemolytic condition. It is transmitted by the tick of the genus Demacentor reticulatus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus, producing an infection in the canine. Acute, subacute and chronic, babesiosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution that can not only affect domestic mammals but also us humans, being a disease of public health interest. In the present experimental investigation, the purpose of this work is to determine Babesia canis in dogs with a history of ectoparasitosis that will be carried out at the Dr. Darío Pet veterinary clinic in the Ventanas Canton of the Province of Los Ríos, where sampling will be carried out on 50 canines of different breeds. , sex and ages, 1ml of peripheral blood will be extracted from the cephalic vein and then placed in a lilac-top vacuum tube with anticoagulant, a blood smear will be performed using the Giemsa staining method and a rapid test will be performed at 20%. After developing this research, the following results were obtained: By means of blood smears of the 40 samples, 23% were positive and 77% of the cases were negative, and by means of a rapid test the results found were 20% positive and 80% of the cases negative of the sampled animals. according to age from 6-1 months to 1 year 11% positive from 5-7 years 33% positive from 2-4 years 56% Through blood smear and rapid test the results obtained 5-6 Years 50% positive and from 3-4 years old, 50% were positive, based on the breed in the mixed breeds, a higher percentage of 34% positive was obtained through smears and by rapid test tests, 50% positive for the poodle breed was obtained. and the other 50% positive of the Pekingese breed, based on sex by the smear technique, 89% positive was obtained in males and 11% in females, thus finding a higher incidence according to sex, and through rapid testing 2 cases Positive results were found in females with 100% of the animals sampled.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa Babesiosis canina es una infección que la produce un protozoario del género Babesia la cual parasita los glóbulos rojos de los caninos multiplicándose y causando un cuadro febril y hemolítico , la transmite la garrapata de genero Demacentor reticulatus y Rhipicephalus sanguineus, produciendo una infección en el canino aguada, subaguda y crónica, la babesiosis una enfermedad zoonótica de distribución mundial que no solo puede afectar a los mamíferos domésticos sino también a nosotros los humanos siendo una enfermedad de interés en la salud pública. En la presente investigación experimental el propósito de este trabajo es determinar Babesia canis en perros con antecedentes de ectoparasitosis que se realizara en la clínica veterinaria Dr. Darío Pet del Cantón Ventanas Provincia de los Ríos, donde se realizara un muestreo a 50 caninos de diferente raza, sexo y edades, se extraerá 1ml de sangre periférica de la vena cefálica para luego ser colocada en un tubo al vacío tapa lila con anticoagulante ,se realizara frotis sanguíneo usando el método de tinción Giemsa y al 20 % se realizara prueba rápida. Desarrollada esta investigación se obtuvo los siguientes resultados; por medio de frotis sanguíneo de las 40 muestras el 23% fueron positivo y el 77% de los casos negativos, y mediante test de prueba rápida los resultados encontrados fueron el 20% positivo y el 80% de los casos negativos de los animales muestreados, de acuerdo a la edad de 6-1 meses a 1 año el 11% positivos de 5-7 años 33% positivos de 2-4 años 56% Mediante frotis sanguineo y por prueba rápida los resultados obtenidos 5-6 Años el 50% positivo y de 3-4 años el 50% fueron positivos, en base a la raza en los mestizos se obtuvieron un mayor porcentaje de 34% de positivos por medio de frotis y por tes de prueba rapida se obtuvo el 50% positivo de la raza poodle y el otro 50% positivo de la raza pequines, en base al sexo por la tecnica de frotis se obtuvo en machos el 89% positivo y en hembras el 11% encontrando asi una mayor incidencia de acuerdo al sexo, y mediante prueba rapida 2 casos positivos fueron en hembras con el 100% de los animals muestreados.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFrotis sanguíneoes_ES
dc.titleDeterminación de Babesia canis en perros con antecedentes de ectoparásitos atendidos en la clínica Dr. Darío Pet del cantón Ventanas Provincia de Los Ríoses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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