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dc.contributor.advisorRobledo Galeas, Sany Sofia
dc.contributor.authorAlban Robinson, Elva Eduvith
dc.contributor.authorVerdezoto Cercado, Mayerli Ninetee
dc.descriptionMuscle injuries, especially hamstring tears, are a major concern in the field of professional sports. This degree project has awakened our interest in investigating this problem, with the general objective of identifying the risk factors and their relationship in hamstring tears in male soccer players of the specialized professional sports club Santa Rita, Canton Vinces, province of Los Rios, period June-September 2024. Worldwide, muscle strain injuries in soccer constitute 31% of all cases, and up to 37% of players experience absences from training and/or matches during a season due to muscle injury. The specialized professional sports club Santa Rita Deportivo in the province of Los Ríos, Cantón Vinces has registered an increase in cases of injuries among soccer players. This situation has drawn the attention of the club's technical and medical staff, who have made efforts to identify risk factors, in order to prevent and treat these pathologies. This study will therefore be descriptive and field-based and will focus on analyzing the risk factors and their occurrence in hamstring tears in soccer players. Using a deductive method, the possible causes of these tears will be determined from direct observation of the players' environment. The research will combine quantitative and qualitative methods so that the results can be obtained through graphs and detailed analysis. It is hoped that our research will contribute to the improvement of this situation not only in the Santa Rita Sports Club, but also in every national and international soccer team.es_ES
dc.descriptionMuscle injuries, especially hamstring tears, are a major concern in the field of professional sports. This degree project has awakened our interest in investigating this problem, with the general objective of identifying the risk factors and their relationship in hamstring tears in male soccer players of the specialized professional sports club Santa Rita, Canton Vinces, province of Los Rios, period June-September 2024. Worldwide, muscle strain injuries in soccer constitute 31% of all cases, and up to 37% of players experience absences from training and/or matches during a season due to muscle injury. The specialized professional sports club Santa Rita Deportivo in the province of Los Ríos, Cantón Vinces has registered an increase in cases of injuries among soccer players. This situation has drawn the attention of the club's technical and medical staff, who have made efforts to identify risk factors, in order to prevent and treat these pathologies. This study will therefore be descriptive and field-based and will focus on analyzing the risk factors and their occurrence in hamstring tears in soccer players. Using a deductive method, the possible causes of these tears will be determined from direct observation of the players' environment. The research will combine quantitative and qualitative methods so that the results can be obtained through graphs and detailed analysis. It is hoped that our research will contribute to the improvement of this situation not only in the Santa Rita Sports Club, but also in every national and international soccer team.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLas lesiones musculares, especialmente los desgarros de isquiotibiales, presentan una preocupación importante en el ámbito del deporte profesional. Este proyecto de titulación ha despertado nuestro interés en indagar sobre esta problemática, con el objetivo general de identificar los factores de riesgo y su relación en desgarros de isquiotibiales en futbolistas masculinos del club deportivo especializado profesional Santa Rita, Cantón Vinces, provincia de los ríos, periodo junio-septiembre 2024. A nivel mundial, las lesiones por la tensión muscular dentro del fútbol se llevan el 31% en todos los casos, e incluso hasta el 37% de los jugadores presentan faltas de entrenamiento y/o partidos durante una temporada debido a una lesión muscular. El club deportivo especializado profesional Santa Rita Deportivo de la provincia de Los Ríos, Cantón Vinces ha registrado un aumento de casos de lesiones en los futbolistas. Esta situación ha llamado la atención del personal técnico y médico del club, que se ha esforzado por identificar los factores de riesgo, para prevenir y tratar estas patologías. Este estudio por tanto, será descriptivo y de campo y se centrará en analizar los factores de riesgo y su aparición en los desgarros isquiotibiales en jugadores de fútbol. Mediante un método deductivo se determinarán las posibles causas de estos desgarros a partir de la observación directa del entorno de los jugadores. La investigación combinará métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos para que los resultados se puedan obtener a través de gráficos y análisis detallados. Se espera que nuestra investigación contribuya a la mejoría ante esta situación no solamente en el Club deportivo Santa Rita, sino también a todo equipo de fútbol ya sea nacional e internacional.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFactores de Riesgoes_ES
dc.subjectDesgarros de Isquiotibiales_ES
dc.subjectFutbolistas Masculinoses_ES
dc.titleFactores de riesgos y su relación en desgarros de isquiotibiales en futbolistas masculinos del Club Deportivo Especializado Profesional Santa Rita, Cantón Vinces, provincia de Los Ríos, periodo junio-septiembre 2024.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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