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dc.contributor.advisorIcaza De Luca, Analy Nicholle
dc.contributor.authorBarzola Diaz, Tanya Jahaira
dc.contributor.authorFalconi Zambrano, Nohelia Nayely
dc.descriptionThis work is titled “Physiotherapy approache in patients with stroke with sequelae of hemiplegia who attend the Martín Icaza Hospital in the Babahoyo canton, period June – September 2024.” Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is a cerebrovascular pathology that affects the blood vessels. This research focuses on determining the most appropriate physiotherapeutic approach for patients who have suffered a stroke with sequelae of hemiplegia, addressing types of stroke, risk factors, treatments and techniques used in this therapeutic context. Regarding the methodology, the research work has a mixed approach and a cross-section because data from variables collected in a certain period of time was analyzed, which was worked with a population of 80 patients who entered the Rehabilitation area and was taken. A sample of 20 patients with hemiplegia. Regarding the techniques used, an interview was used with the physiotherapists in charge and a survey was applied to the patients. An Excel database was used to process the information of this study, which allowed various functions such as tabulations, graphs and analysis of the results to be performed. It is important to carry out a correct physiotherapy approach since this is a long-term treatment that requires the support and effort of your family and health professionals.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis work is titled “Physiotherapy approache in patients with stroke with sequelae of hemiplegia who attend the Martín Icaza Hospital in the Babahoyo canton, period June – September 2024.” Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is a cerebrovascular pathology that affects the blood vessels. This research focuses on determining the most appropriate physiotherapeutic approach for patients who have suffered a stroke with sequelae of hemiplegia, addressing types of stroke, risk factors, treatments and techniques used in this therapeutic context. Regarding the methodology, the research work has a mixed approach and a cross-section because data from variables collected in a certain period of time was analyzed, which was worked with a population of 80 patients who entered the Rehabilitation area and was taken. A sample of 20 patients with hemiplegia. Regarding the techniques used, an interview was used with the physiotherapists in charge and a survey was applied to the patients. An Excel database was used to process the information of this study, which allowed various functions such as tabulations, graphs and analysis of the results to be performed. It is important to carry out a correct physiotherapy approach since this is a long-term treatment that requires the support and effort of your family and health professionals.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste trabajo se titula “Abordaje fisioterapéutico en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular con secuelas de hemiplejia que acuden al Hospital Martín Icaza del cantón Babahoyo, período junio – septiembre 2024”. El Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV) es una patología cerebrovascular que afecta a los vasos sanguíneos. Esta investigación se centra en determinar el abordaje fisioterapéutico más adecuado para pacientes que han sufrido accidente cerebrovascular con secuelas de hemiplejia, abordando tipos de ACV, factores de riesgo, tratamientos y técnicas utilizadas en este contexto terapéutico. En cuanto a la metodología el trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque mixto y un corte transversal porque se analizaron datos de variables recopiladas en un cierto periodo de tiempo, la cual se trabajó con una población de 80 pacientes que ingresaron al área de Rehabilitación y se tomó una muestra de 20 pacientes con hemiplejia. En cuanto a las técnicas utilizadas, se empleó una entrevista con los fisioterapeutas encargados y se aplicó una encuesta dirigida a los pacientes. Se empleó una base de datos en Excel para procesar la información de este estudio, lo que permitió realizar diversas funciones como tabulaciones, gráficos y análisis de los resultados. Es importante realizar un correcto abordaje fisioterapéutico ya que esto es un tratamiento a largo plazo que es necesario contar con el apoyo y esfuerzo de sus familiares y profesionales de la salud.es_ES
dc.format.extent71 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAbordaje Fisioterapéuticoes_ES
dc.subjectAccidente Cerebrovasculares_ES
dc.titleAbordaje fisioterapéutico en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular con secuelas de hemiplejia que acuden al Hospital Martin Icaza del cantón Babahoyo. Periodo junio – septiembre 2024.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador