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dc.contributor.advisorOcampo Ulloa, Wendy Lorena
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Lara, Digna Amada
dc.descriptionThis case study is focused on analyzing the digital marketing strategies used in Marieta Peluquería in the Babahoyo canton, province of Los Rios, and period 2023. Its owner Marieta Coello is the one who manages it, however, she does not have the necessary knowledge about Digital Marketing, so which the biggest problem of the business is the attention of the marketing strategies that exist, this means that currently the sales of the services offered have been decreasing and has negatively impacted the success and recognition of the company. This project aims to “Analyze the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies at Marieta Peluquería, due to the impact caused by the marketing of services to attract business customers. As a research method, inductive and deductive methods were used, based on the analysis of concrete and specific events that occurred in the company. The techniques used in this research were an interview directed at the owner of Marieta Peluquería and a survey applied to the inhabitants of the company. Babahoyo City. This shows that the hair salon does not have the necessary marketing strategies to attract new clients and maintain existing ones, which means that the sale of its services is not well received.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is focused on analyzing the digital marketing strategies used in Marieta Peluquería in the Babahoyo canton, province of Los Rios, and period 2023. Its owner Marieta Coello is the one who manages it, however, she does not have the necessary knowledge about Digital Marketing, so which the biggest problem of the business is the attention of the marketing strategies that exist, this means that currently the sales of the services offered have been decreasing and has negatively impacted the success and recognition of the company. This project aims to “Analyze the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies at Marieta Peluquería, due to the impact caused by the marketing of services to attract business customers. As a research method, inductive and deductive methods were used, based on the analysis of concrete and specific events that occurred in the company. The techniques used in this research were an interview directed at the owner of Marieta Peluquería and a survey applied to the inhabitants of the company. Babahoyo City. This shows that the hair salon does not have the necessary marketing strategies to attract new clients and maintain existing ones, which means that the sale of its services is not well received.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso esta enfocado en analizar las estrategias de marketing digital utilizadas en Marieta Peluquería del cantón Babahoyo, provincial de Los Ríos periodo 2023. Su propietaria Marieta Coello es quien lo administra, sin embargo no posee los conocimientos necesarios sobre Marketing Digital por lo cual el mayor problema del negocio es la carencia de las estrategias de marketing que existen, esto conlleva que actualmente las ventas de los servicios ofrecidos han ido en descenso y ha impactado negativamente en el éxito y reconocimiento de la empresa. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo “Analizar la efectividad de las estrategias de marketing digital en Marieta Peluquería, debido al impacto que origina la comercialización de los servicios para la captación de clientes del negocio. Como método de investigación se utilizó descriptivo y las técnicas empleadas en esta investigación fueron una entrevista dirigida a la propietaria de Marieta Peluquería y una encuesta aplicada a los clientes de la peluquería ubicada en la Ciudad de Babahoyo. Con ello se evidencio que la peluquería no cuenta con las estrategias de marketing necesarias para atraer nuevos clientes y mantener a los existentes, lo que provoca que la venta de sus servicios no tenga buena acogida.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEstrategias de Marketing Digitales_ES
dc.subjectCaptación de Clienteses_ES
dc.subjectRedes Socialeses_ES
dc.titleEstrategias de marketing digital en Marieta Peluquería del Cantón Babahoyo provincia de los Ríos en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador