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dc.contributor.advisorBecilla García, Leticia
dc.contributor.authorVillacres Sandoya, Joselyn Lissette
dc.descriptionThe present work writes the comparative analysis between the television entities from Fluminense in the province of Los Ríos such as RTV 3 in the canton of Vinces and Channel 6 of Babahoyo which are a means of private self-management and the impact and echo on the different social and cultural groups in each of these cantons through their daily television programming schedule. Based on the compilation of bibliographic data to establish a comparison of characteristics, similarities and strengths and weaknesses of these television communication organizations in their productions and audiovisual broadcasts throughout the week in the projection of cultural, educational, informational and entertainment programs for their general public and how these programs provide their contribution to society. Therefore, a bibliographic analysis of the different programming that these channels offer to their audience at different times was established in order to know the impact and echo that they have on the different social and cultural groups of these Fluminense cantons to establish indicators that help to understand how the television schedule is generated to establish how the existing link between television producers and viewers is generated.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present work writes the comparative analysis between the television entities from Fluminense in the province of Los Ríos such as RTV 3 in the canton of Vinces and Channel 6 of Babahoyo which are a means of private self-management and the impact and echo on the different social and cultural groups in each of these cantons through their daily television programming schedule. Based on the compilation of bibliographic data to establish a comparison of characteristics, similarities and strengths and weaknesses of these television communication organizations in their productions and audiovisual broadcasts throughout the week in the projection of cultural, educational, informational and entertainment programs for their general public and how these programs provide their contribution to society. Therefore, a bibliographic analysis of the different programming that these channels offer to their audience at different times was established in order to know the impact and echo that they have on the different social and cultural groups of these Fluminense cantons to establish indicators that help to understand how the television schedule is generated to establish how the existing link between television producers and viewers is generated.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo redacta el análisis comparativo entre los entes televisivos fluminenses en la provincia de Los Ríos como son RTV 3 en el cantón Vinces y Canal 6 de Babahoyo los cuales son medio de autogestión privada que tienen impacto sobre los distintos grupos sociales y culturales en cada uno de estos cantones a través de su parrilla televisiva de programación diaria. Basándose en la recopilación de data bibliográfica para establecer un comparendo de características, similitudes y puntos a favor y contra que mantienen estos organismos tele comunicativos en sus producciones y emisiones audiovisuales a lo largo de la semana en la proyección de programas culturales, educativos, informativos y de entretenimiento para su público general y de cómo brindando estas emisiones de programas brindan su aporte a lo sociedad. Por lo tanto, se estableció un análisis bibliográfico de la distinta programación que ofrecen estos canales a su teleaudiencia en los distintos horarios para conocer el impacto y eco que tienen en los distintos grupos sociales y culturales de estos cantones fluminense para establecer indicadores que ayuden a entender cómo se generan las programaciones de parrilla televisiva para establecer como se genera el nexo existente entre productores televisivos y televidentes.es_ES
dc.format.extent23 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectParrilla televisivaes_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis comparativoes_ES
dc.subjectProgramación televisivaes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis comparativo de la Parrilla de Programación entre el Canal 6 de la Ciudad de Babahoyo y RTV 3 Canal de Vinceses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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