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dc.contributor.advisorBohórquez Barros, Tito Xavier
dc.contributor.authorRizzo Nieto, Elias Daniel
dc.descriptionForage legumes are plants belonging to the dicot family that have the peculiarity of forming structures called nodules in their roots, these are born as a result of the interaction that exists between these plants and the bacteria of the genus Rhizobium that are capable of taking and fixing atmospheric nitrogen, by establishing a symbiosis with plants. Legumes grow spontaneously in the Ecuadorian tropics, it is tolerant to drought and shade; it recovers quite well after burning and short periods of flooding. The highest yield is achieved during the dry season, providing significant amounts of dry matter of good nutritional value. Another characteristic and perhaps the most important that legumes have is that they have high protein contents between 14 - 32% in their leaves and more than 30% in their seeds, they are also capable of sustaining these high protein contents even during the season. dry and also have low levels of fiber, they also store sugars, starches and fats, which make them highly energetic supplements. For the development of this work, bibliographic information was collected from books, magazines, newspapers, scientific articles, web pages, presentations, conferences and technical manuals. The information obtained was made through the analysis, synthesis and summary technique, in order for the reader to learn about the importance of phosphorus incidence in the nodulation of forage leguminous plants in the Ecuadorian tropics. Due to the above, it was determined that phosphorus has a wide importance in the physical-chemical processes that help in the growth and strengthening of the roots throughout their production.es_ES
dc.descriptionForage legumes are plants belonging to the dicot family that have the peculiarity of forming structures called nodules in their roots, these are born as a result of the interaction that exists between these plants and the bacteria of the genus Rhizobium that are capable of taking and fixing atmospheric nitrogen, by establishing a symbiosis with plants. Legumes grow spontaneously in the Ecuadorian tropics, it is tolerant to drought and shade; it recovers quite well after burning and short periods of flooding. The highest yield is achieved during the dry season, providing significant amounts of dry matter of good nutritional value. Another characteristic and perhaps the most important that legumes have is that they have high protein contents between 14 - 32% in their leaves and more than 30% in their seeds, they are also capable of sustaining these high protein contents even during the season. dry and also have low levels of fiber, they also store sugars, starches and fats, which make them highly energetic supplements. For the development of this work, bibliographic information was collected from books, magazines, newspapers, scientific articles, web pages, presentations, conferences and technical manuals. The information obtained was made through the analysis, synthesis and summary technique, in order for the reader to learn about the importance of phosphorus incidence in the nodulation of forage leguminous plants in the Ecuadorian tropics. Due to the above, it was determined that phosphorus has a wide importance in the physical-chemical processes that help in the growth and strengthening of the roots throughout their production.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLas leguminosas forrajeras son plantas pertenecientes a la familia de las dicotiledóneas que tienen la particularidad de formar en sus raíces unas estructuras llamadas nódulos, estos nacen como resultado de la interacción que existe entre estas plantas y las bacterias del género Rhizobium que son capaces toma y fijar nitrógeno atmosférico, al establecer una simbiosis con las plantas. Las leguminosas crecen en forma espontánea en el trópico ecuatoriano, es tolerante a la sequía y a la sombra; se recupera bastante bien después de la quema y de periodos cortos de inundación. El mayor rendimiento se alcanza durante la época seca, aportando cantidades significativas de materia seca de buen valor nutritivo. Otra característica y quizá la más importante que poseen las leguminosas es la de tener altos contenidos proteicos entre el 14 – 32% en sus hojas y superior de 30% en sus semillas, además son capaces de sostener estos altos contenidos de proteína aun durante la época seca y asimismo de esto presentan bajos niveles de fibra, también almacenan azúcares, almidones y grasas, que las convierten en suplementos altamente energéticos. Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo se recolectó información bibliográfica de libros, revistas, periódicos, artículos científicos, páginas web, ponencia, congresos y manuales técnicos. La información alcanzada se realizó mediante la técnica de análisis, síntesis y resumen, con la finalidad de que el lector conozca sobre la importancia en la incidencia del fósforo en la nodulación de las plantas leguminosas forrajeras en el trópico ecuatoriano. Por lo antes expuesto se determinó que el fosforo tiene una amplia importancia en los procesos físicos químicos que ayudaran en el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de las raíces a lo largo de su producción.es_ES
dc.format.extent14 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLeguminosas forrajerases_ES
dc.titleEstudio de la incidencia del fósforo en la nodulación de las plantas leguminosas forrajeras en el trópico ecuatorianoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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